Getting ready

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Jess looked concerned and said "I mean I know that she will encounter the Winchesters and she is a hunter too. Is there something I don't know of?" Jared looked at Jensen , and Jensen looked at Jared..
I said "Jess.............." I look at pause. "Your Sam's love interest...." Her eyes got wide.... "Wha- I did not catch that." I could tell she lied. Jared repeated "Your technically my characters love interest." Her heart started pounding fast.

Jess's P.O.V

Jensen and Jared both just said I am Sam's love interest. My heart is beating faster. I mean this is great , but also not good, I have only done one love scene and that was on Grey's Anatomy. That was only you making out.. Nothing else. "O-Okay.." you stuttered. You kinda got happy. You got up and smiled "Finally! My character will be a love interest of someone. I mean I have once and that was on Grey's anatomy . But that was like nothing. It was just a few make out scenes and I messes up a f-" you get interrupted. "JESS YOUR RAMBLING OFF." Jared yelled. You could see Jensen got jealous that you were fine about you kissing Jared, even if it was fake. "Sorry" you said. You danced around a little and Jared giggled. Jensen elbowed Jared and whispered "Mine." And gave Jared a "mad face." Jared squinted his eyes at him. You heard a knock at the door and opened it. "JESS WE NEED YOU NOW!" The makeup artist yelled. You said "Ok. I will be ba-" The door closed , so you did not finish talking. The lady was holding your hand and running , making sure you would get there on time. She opened the door to the trailer. And made you sit down in the chair. She pulled your hair in a ponytail , to get it out of your face. She started applying makeup . Your character was going to have scars all over, and blood on your face, and your body. In this scene , you were going to be trying to kill a demon, but it ties you up in a chair. It cuts your forehead with a knife too. You decided to start reading your lines. You practices saying "You black eyed bitch , you killed my brother! The only person I had ! The makeup artist said " Good. But with a little more determination." You nodded and tried again and again til' you got it. You also practiced your other lines. When you were done, you looked really really good. You told her thank you. She said "No prob. Now hurry to the hair trailer, but don't ruin your makeup. You nodded and jogged there. You passed Jensen and Jared going to the makeup trailer. You waved and mouthed 'got to go'. You walked up the steps to the trailer and opened the door. It was apparently the wrong one and it was Mark Sheppard's. He was getting his shirt on. I said "Oh my god, sorry Mister. Sheppard." He replied to me in his Crowley voice saying "it is alright darling, I was just getting on my shirt." I kinda blushed of his voice and the way he called me darling. I said "Nice to meet you ....Crowley.." He laughed and said "You need help finding a trailer?" I replied yeah. And he walked me there. I thank him and went in. The hair lady, apparently her name was Sasha, set me in a seat. She was putting my hair in a messy bun, that is supposed to have a messed up braid in it. She had to put some "blood" in it too. When she was done, I thanked her and had to run to my trailer. I opened the door and ran in. I went to the closet, and got my costume. I was a pair of black hiking boots, bloody, ripped jeans. And a brown and green flannel. All your clothes had to be bloody. Though, you liked the look. You changed and ran to set . You found everyone there. You went on stage with the "demon" and the director said Scene 10 , take 1 !

Hey guys thank you for reading, if you have any ideas write down below. I am really running out of ideas. Also sorry if I have any grammar issues. I usually don't read it over. If I do please tell me. Thank you . Bye xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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