Chapter 5

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With rain showering down on her windshield, the wipers scraping off streams of water, her dark blue vehicle pulls up into her driveway. Rosebay noticed the whole way a truck and another car parked right next to her. Her parents were home. She looks over in the passengers seat beside her. The jack in the box.

She picks it up in her hand and stuffs it underneath her leather jacket to shield it from the rain as she made her way up to her porch. Opening her door, she picks up the smell of food from the kitchen, signaling her purring belly. Her stepfather had his feet kicked up in a leather chair in front of the TV. With her trinket hidden in the inside jacket pocket, she was greeted by her mother.

"Rosebay, I made dinner if you're hungry." Says her mother. Rose felt her stomach growl once again. "Sure..." she mutters, making herself a plate of grilled chicken, Mac 'n' cheese and veggies.

"Where have you been all day?" Her mother asks in a worried tone.

"I've just been out with friends is all. Hung out with Becky." Rosebay fibbed. No way in hell was she going to tell her mother she's been hanging around a twisted imaginary clown.

"When I went upstairs, your bathroom was a mess," her mother tells her like Rose wasn't aware. "There was water everywhere, and the shower curtains were ripped off."

"I fell." Rose states quickly. Her mother looks at her confused.

"You fell?"

"Mhm, I slipped while I was showering and grabbed on the curtains. Didn't work out so well."

"Well... are you okay? You didn't break anything?" Her mother asks.

"I'm fine."

"You could've bothered cleaning it. Those curtains weren't cheap."

"Yeah... sorry about that. I can buy new ones. It's my bathroom, anyways."

With that, Rosebay takes her plate of food and her hidden trinket and makes her way up the stairs and into her room. She sets her plate of food on the bed and takes the jack in the box from underneath her jacket. She wondered if he could still listen or see what she was doing, or where he was. Setting down the little box on the dresser before her, she sits back on her bed and stares at it while stuffing Mac 'n' cheese in her face.


Laughing Jack already expected to be left in the rain, but a mixture of different sounds confused him. This didn't sound like rain at all. After a while he came to a slowed down stop, hearing doors open and close. He was beyond lost. Has this girl taken him to an old pawnshop? Only the next victim will tell.

Upon hearing a door open, the smell of food flooded his box, his stomach growling at him.

A small conversation could be heard since he was so distracted by food. His ears perk as he hears a very familiar voice. It was she! The girl from the park! Rosebay, wasn't it? Had she taken him to her home? Some parts of him wanted to thank her and treat her like a goddess for not leaving him out there. This had to be a crazy dream!

Laughing Jack kept quiet until he heard the sound of a door closing and then silence. When he heard her room door close, the smell of food crept up his pointed nose again, his stomach growling louder. He opens his box slightly to have a good view. "Oh! Your room looks great when the lights... well... the light on." He smirks. Using his powers he was given, he climbed out his box as a small sized version of himself, standing only 10 inches tall. "Eh, hate being small..." He said loud enough to catch her attention.

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