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''I HATE YOU I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!'' I yelled towards my mom. Here I was 16 and running away from home. I had enough of my mom constantly beating me. I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. i pulled out 4 big bags of clothes and shoes that i had been buying and saving up for this time. I went to my jewlery box and counted 600,000 dollars that i had also saved up. Ever since my tenth birthday party i had been planning to run away. i winch as I bend over. the scar from when my mom first started to beat me shows and brings back memories.


Its just me blowing out those ten candles. my mom went off somewhere with one of her many boyfriends. she stumbled back in the house drunk. " Harmony get your ass over here now!!" I hurry a rush toward my mother. She has a knife. " Mom, what are you doing!?!?" She cut my right across my stomach. She said if I told anyone she would beat me until I couldn't stand.

I remember tht day just like yesterday. Today she came home and started hitting me again. It's time. I say to myself. My boyfriend Chris is outside waiting for me.

"Bitch get the fuck up!" My mom yelled at me. I just sat there, waiting for her to hit me. *Bang* She hit me in the eye. Hard. I feel to the floor and held my face. Not today. I say to myself. I get up and punch her back harder. She falls straight on her stomach. "You bitch. Im pregnant you whore. 8 fuckin months pregnant!" My mom yelled.

I ran to my room and locked the door and packed my bags. I hear her constantly banging on the door. I open the door and push her out the way. I hop in Chris' car.

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