Percy Jackson/ PHS/Facade

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Chapter 3 was written by HitaMory
Percy Jackson AU
Chapter 1
Seeing your friend being killed on your first day back to school wasn't exactly what I'd call splendid, nor is it when a guy you just met is telling you that you have to travel across the country with him. And it's just the two of you! Well at least that's what you understood in the beginning.

I had just been minding my own business, since I was labeled a trouble maker since the incident that left me an orphan and living with three kids that kept disappearing during the summer months leaving me home alone.
Anyways, I was just starting at another new school. My friend,Amanda also transferred too, which was weird to begin with. Amanda had been miss popular, and her boyfriend who had been  named, Michelle, but she choose to come with me instead of stay.
I saw her standing at the bus lanes, she waved. I walked up to her.
"Hey!" She sorta squeaked out.
"What's up?" I asked.
"You've got someone looking at you, and he's hot."
I glanced around and spotted a boy, his hair a funky maroon colour and looked like he just rolled out of bed. His eyes are what caught my eye though, they were a light purple, which was very unusual for a normal human. Maybe he wore contact? Who knows.
I got an uneasy feeling as I turned to leave.
"He's just checking out how pretty you are." I said.
Amanda blushed and followed me. I looked up to the sky, two bird like figures flew past.
We walked to the gymnasium, where an assembly was being held for the newcomers. We sat on the bleachers and waited. The boy from earlier walked in, he was by himself and spotted us right away. He came over and asked.
"Is this seat taken?"
"No." I said.
He sat right beside me.
The assembly started. He handed me a note. I took it and opened it.
'Are you Arrow?' It said.
I looked up at him, he was starting at me.
"Yeah." I whispered.
He smiled. "Good."
The Principal started her speech on dress code. The vice principal didn't look to comfortable in the skirt that she wore. She kept tugging at it, trying to make it longer.
"And a special announcement. I need all of you to sleep." She said soothingly.
Part of me wanted to listen to her,but the boy covered my ears with his headphones. He grabbed mine and Amanda's hands and began to run from the room.
"Mad, sick 'em!" The principal called.
The vice principal, started shifting form, her body started taking a greenish colour to it and she started getting taller, and orger.
"Stand back." The boy called as he pulled out a pocket watch from his back pocket.
"What are you gonna do, watch time fly?" Arrow asked.
"No isn't the time for puns, even if they are good ones." The boy respond.
"At least tell us your name." Amanda said.
The boy looked back and smiled broadly. "Drako."
Amanda seemed shocked. "That's why you seemed familiar."
"Will someone please tell me what's going on?"
"Um......" Amanda looked at Drako for permission.
He nodded, then stood in front of us.
"You're not going to believe me. You know how at the other school..."
"What other school, we've been to too many." I interrupted.
"The one where we went on a museum trip and saw that boy almost drown a girl in the water fountain outside."
"The one with the Greek Gods?"
"Yep! And you remember how we were told...."
"No way,"I gapped." I'm not a demigod. You've been reading too many novels, you're brain has turned to mush."
"I'm not lying, you've always wondered why plants like me, right. We'll I'm a nature spirit, I was sent here to look after you."
"There is no way in Hell that I'm a demigod."
"Join the club." Drako said. His pocket watch turned into a sword. I stood there in shock.
'This can't be happening, this was only a fairy tale, a legend, a really popular book series that ended.'
The vice principal stood over them. She grunted.
"It's all orger now."
The principal frowned.
"Really Hitachi!"
The vice principal changed back into human for and smiled crockedly.
"Sorry,Wave. I had to."
"Yes, Meme Lord of Trash, go back to where you came from." Said the principal.
"Where is that?"
"Do you guys work here?" Drako asked, puzzlement crossing his face.
"No, we're here to murder you." The vice principal said.
"Ok, my plan for today was actually make it by the entire school day without monsters after me, and this hasn't been a great start." Drako frowned, holding his sword up. "It's actually been a cat-astrophe."
"Don't make cat jokes." Another boy ran in. He had medium length black hair, it was also a mess. He wore cat ears which were attached to the pair of headphones he wore. His eyes were a pretty hazel.
"Aw, the kitty's upset now." Drako teased.
"I will cut you this time!" The boy, flicked his wrists and throwing knives fell into his fingers. He stood beside Drako guarding us.
The principal and vice principal stared at the growing group.
"This isn't what I expected." Said the principal. The vice principal shook her head.
"Well it's hard to miss the smell of demigods." Another boy showed up, he had  crutches to walk on.
"Finally you decide to show up." Mumbled cat eared boy.
"Hi, Macky." Amanda said.
"Hey." He replied.
"Ok, I've had enough." I pushed past the two boys in from of me.
"Listen up, I don't care who you are or what you're here for. I just want my normal life back." I pointed a finger at the principal pair.
"Sorry, no can do." Said the taller one.
"That's it!" I screamed, and the ground slit into two. They seemed surprised and dodged the cracks with amazing speed, the short one even managed to grab Amanda and throw a punch into her gut.
"Not so fast." I ripped off the arrow bracelet that Amanda had given me on the first day we met each other. It shifted forms into a bow and arrow. I put an arrow in place then aimed at the principal, then shot. It hit her leg but nothing happened. Then they were gone and I fell to the ground with exhaustion. Drako ran over and caught me.
"Is she ok?"I asked.
"Macky's trying to stop the bleeding." He replied.
"I don't need a knight in shining armour." I sarcastically said.
He nodded and smiled." Of course not."
I blacked out. 

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