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"Oh come on, Mich." Sharon Casey begged her best friend as they descended down the concrete steps of Castle Rock High, "it's gonna be fun, and we haven't hung out in forever!" The 5'1 brunette complained.

"What are you talking about? We hung out last night." Her best friend, Michelle Valentine, pointed out.

Sharon tutted and furrowed her brows, "Shut up, studying Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures and finishing off algebra homework does not count as hanging out."

Michelle turned to look at her friend, arching her brow questionably.

"I thought you loved chemistry?"

"I do, but funnily enough the only 'chemistry' I'm interested in at the moment is between me and Lachance." Sharon replied with a smirk as she diverted her attention towards the lanky boy that was boarding the school bus, he noticed her stare and gave her a quick smile before disappearing onto the vehicle, "which is why you absolutely have to come with me tonight."

"Do I really have to Sharon? The last time we went to one of Sloane Carmichael's parties I got groped all night by Tony Jackson while you were making out with some nerd upstairs." Michelle complained, Sharon's cheeks immediately flushing red at the comment.

"How did you find out about that?"

"He sits behind me in Math and never shuts up about it." Michelle responded, a grin breaking out across her face as Sharon stared at her, absolutely mortified. "Hey if it makes you feel any better, he thinks you're an amazing kisser."

Sharon instantly face palmed, meanwhile Michelle erupted into a fit of laughter beside her.

"Shut up." Sharon scolded her best friend before shoving her shoulder a little, Michelle's laughter eventually ceasing. "Now are you coming with me tonight or not?"

"Fine I'll come."

Approaching Sloane Carmichael's house, Michelle couldn't help but cringe at the deafening sound of rock 'n' roll music that blared from inside and the amount of people that were scattered over the front lawn, either making out or smoking a cigarette.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Eric Daniels, the nerdy kid that Sharon had made out with at the previous party, snuggled up on the porch swing with some girl she knew from homeroom.

"Hey Sharon, looks like you've been replaced." Michelle commented with a small giggle before receiving a death glare from her best friend.

"Where do you think Gordie will be?" Sharon questioned as she pushed open the front door, the two of them cautiously making their way to the living room.

"I don't know, I can't see him. Maybe he hasn't arrived yet."

"There he is!"

Michelle turned to the direction that Sharon was indicating to, watching as Gordie Lachance and Chris Chambers entered and situated themselves in the corner of the room, the two of them cracking up at a joke that had been made.

"I'm gonna go over," Sharon declared, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply, "wish me luck."

Michelle shook her head and laughed at her friend's typical teenage ways before wishing her good luck and taking a seat on the nearby couch, watching a nervous-looking Sharon approach the two boys.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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