6. Meeting The Boys

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Nea's P.O.V.:
      I was sleeping, but I get woke up by someone playing with my hair, and it was Niall. This is the best way to get woke up and it's even better because it's Niall. I really need to talk to Emmy about all of this. It's really confusing.
      "Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep, princess?" Jesus, his smile makes my heart want to collapse.
      "Not so good, what about you, love?" Hey, calling people love is a habit for British people. Nothing is going on here, people!
      "Eh, I didn't really sleep, but it's okay. Now, get up and get ready. I'm taking you to get breakfast." He flashes his million dollar smile once again before walking out, shutting the door softly behind him.
      "Ugh!" I say, before getting out of bed to do my usual wake up routine.

Niall's P.O.V.:
      I'm actually really nervous. What if she thinks it's a date? I mean, she's only going to meet Liam, but she doesn't know that. Is it bad if I want it to be a date? Shut up, Niall! She's your best mate's twin sister! It's like dating Liam, only it's a girl. I must have been deep in thought because Nea had to shake my shoulder to get my attention.
     "Niall? Are you okay?" She looks even more beautiful today then she did yesterday. Shit, I did I really just think that??
     "Uhm. Thank you?" She looks confused. Fuck I did say it out loud!
      "I'm sorry, Nea.. I didn't mean to say that out loud." I look around. "Let's get going." With that, we're off.
Liam's P.O.V.:
      I sit in Nando's with the rest of the boys waiting for Nea and Niall. I can only hope Niall didn't give anything away when he got Nea up. Otherwise, I'd never be able to explain everything to her. I love my twin so much, and seeing what I did to her by dropping all contact with her makes me feel like an even bigger dick. I can only hope that if I can explain it to her that she'll consider even being my friend. I hope this works.

Nea's P.O.V.:
      Niall took me to Nando's. How creative. He leads me to a booth, and I hear a familiar voice behind me. "Nea? Can we talk?" It's Liam, and his voice is so gentle that I thought he was talking to Dani.
      "What do you want, Liam?" I'm a bit pissed that Niall brought me here knowing he'd be here, but then again I know it wasn't his idea.
      "Nea, you don't know the whole story behind why I dropped contact. Please, just hear me out and then if you still don't want anything to do with me, I'll understand." Liam runs a hand through his hair, and I remember how it use to be before he left, and I tell him he has five minutes.

Liam's P.O.V.:
      I tell her everything, and I hold nothing back. By the time I finish, I'm in tears. As I look into her eyes, I can tell she is shocked. I love my sister so much, and the last thing I want to do is hurt her like I've done so much these past two years. I'm about to tell her this, but I'm shocked as she pulls me into a hug.
      "Oh, Li! I'm so sorry that I've treated you like I have. I feel awful." Nea starts crying, and I just silently pull her into my arms, rocking her back and forth until she calms down.
      "Shhhh. Nea, it's okay because I'd have done the same thing if I was you. I don't blame you in the least bit." I only hoped she'd forgive me, but I'm happy she's my twin again. "It's time for you to meet the rest of the band, sis."
      I take her over to the other three lads, and introduce them one by one, giving Harry a glare I hoped he understood as 'Don't flirt with my sister.' "Nea, the one that has the blue eyes is Louis, the curly haired one is Harry, and that is Zayn." As I say each one of their names, they wave. "Mates, this is my twin sister Athena Roze Payne, but you can call her Nea as long as it's okay with her." Nea smiles, but I can tell she's uncomfortable, so I text Niall and in a flash he's over here and pulls her into him.
      "Guys, Nea isn't feeling too good, so Niall is going to take her back to the house so she can lie down." The guys all say they hope she feels better, and they wave goodbye as Niall takes Nea back. This meeting went better than I expected honestly. I have my twin back, and that's all I've wanted for two years.

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