Chapter 3 - Situations

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To be completely honest with you, I hadn't expected what happened next. When we arrived at the grey orphanage he took me too after rescuing me from my house, I thought he was dropping me off there! You know, to live! I didn't expect to find myself in the magical street of Diagon Alley 10 minutes later. My cousins were also another thing that I wasn't anticipating - they were acting like they knew Dumbledore personally, which is probably true, you know, seeing as he must have dropped them off in the orphanage in the first place.

You should have seen my face as I walked into the Leaky Cauldron pub in London. In fact, you should have seen the witches and wizards' faces when they took in my emaciated figure, and seeing their pitiful eyes training on me made me want to curl up and scream. But I didn't. I focused on the feel of Rachelle's reassuring hand on my shoulder, held my head high and followed Dumbledore out of the pub.

The street which lay behind that inconspicious brick wall completely took my breath away. Crooked, amazing wonderful... I'm running out of adjectives here! I got so many wonderful things, and I got some new clothes, something which I haven't recieved in years. Also, I got my wand! It is Pear wood, 10 3/4 inches, unicorn tail hair, and slightly springy. I really like Mr Ollivander, the wizard who runs the wand shop -  he has these huge silver eyes that make it seem like you could lose yourself in them. He said I looked like his great-aunt or something, which was a bit weird, but I just smiled and thanked him as if that's the nicest compliment any one has ever given me before (which it is).

I was also stupidly happy with the amount of new books I recieved; I love books with a strange obssession that my brother just doesn't understand. I love smelling them and running my hand over their new, white pages, and knowing that I'll be the first person to read and discover it's secrets.

Lehanne, my unnervingly gorgeous cousin, kept cracking jokes and trying to make me talk to her, but whenever she spoke I was overcome by this weird crippling shyness. I suppose it's because she's so new and bold and outgoing and confident that I kind of went in on myself. But eventually I managed to respond better and even made fun of a witch's hat. It had a stuffed vulture on it and looked positively awful. I giggled along with Lehanne and even when she slipped her arm through mine as if we were the best of friends I didn't flinch or move away, as I probably would have done about an hour ago. Rachelle came over to my other side and did the same, and for once in my life I felt wanted and loved. And I found that I really liked it.


I couldn't help but wonder what Leo was doing when we got back to the orphanage. My best friend was always doing some new and exciting thing in the summer holidays, and seeing as I hadn't heard from him in about four weeks, I supposed he was off travelling somewhere. I also thought of Fred and George, and the numerous pranks I have had to cover up for them and Lehanne over the past two years. We would be starting our third year at Hogwarts soon. I laughed, remembering the last prank we did before the summer - something involving soap and the Black Lake. To be honest, the only person I felt sorry for in that situation was the Giant Squid. He was spitting out soap suds for a week.

'Talking to yourself again, Rach?' I heard my sister walk in, a grin spreading over her face, clutching a letter in her hand. I rolled my eyes.

'It's the first sign of madness, you know,' we both said in unison in our little Welsh accents and then laughed so hard it hurt. Our own private joke. Even though it was old, wasn't even ours and had been said so many times that it really shouldn't have been funny anymore. Lehanne took my hand whilst sitting on my bed and asked me a very serious question, which, to be honest, I wasn't expecting.

'What do you think Cedric sees in me?' she bit her lip, her brown eyes nervous, and rather unlike my sister at all. I pondered the question for a moment bafore answering as truthfully as I could. Because between you and me, I actually could not see very many reasons why Cedric fancied Lehanne at all; they are complete polar opposites. He was sweet and loving and kind and generally a lovely person and then my sister... Shall we not go into this?

'Well, Lann, I think he likes you because you are an absolutely beautiful person and because you're funny and smart and fiery and have a great personality,' I smiled and I saw her whole body relax. Let me fill you in: Cedric and Lehanne have been going out since first year, and I think they first saw each other across the Great Hall and something connected. I think. Ask her, she tells me nothing! Anyway, after this she nudged me in the ribs and gave me a suggestive wink, and I clicked instantly as to what she was on to. Leo Scarheart.

Ok, this might be a little hard for me to explain. I mean, he's a boy. And I'm more... dignified than my sister is, so I haven't done ANYTHING with a boy EVER. So, my feelings for him are really complicated, but I'll do my best. He's like... he's like my best friend. No, scratch that, he is my best friend, and the loveliest guy I have ever known. Apart from maybe Fred and George, but they can be mean and tease me sometimes for my book obssession. They call me the Book Beast, which implies that I look beastly, which is mean. Very mean.

So, anyway. Leo. He plays the guitar and writes songs (mostly for me). He reads, almost more than me. He studies with me. He takes walks with me. He holds my hand - when he feels like it. He's gorgeous. Brown spiky hair and deep brown eyes, structured jaw, slim. Tall, wears nice clothes. Just Leo. Beautiful, gorgeous Leo.

And I think I'm in love with him.

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