Chapter 1

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My names Bella, although it doesn't matter, I'm the outcast, the person that nobody wants around, but I'm okay with that. I've came to terms with me being such an awkward mess.

My life was normal, it was a routine, but like I said, it was fine. All until I seen that new guy at school, his names Grey but nobody really speaks to him. He's caught me staring here and there, I'd quickly turn my head but I know he knew.

Grey was an odd one that's for sure, he had jet the lightest grey hair, almost white, and hazel eyes, sometimes brown in the light. He was a sight for eyes, that's for sure.

I'd catch him catching glimpses of me too here and there, he'd turn around and pay attention to the teacher once he got caught.

When the bell rung I got up, with a sigh, grabbed my book bag and headed to lunch.

I hated lunch, it was the worst, I had one friend, her names Makayla, but she decided not to come to school, she barely ever came to school. So, I walk into the library and spend my time there.

As I'm walking into the library I see Grey on the side in a cubicle. My mouth almost waters. He's so gorgeous, I can't even help but to think it.

He's been going to this school for 2 weeks, and everytime I see him I can't help but to get weak at the knees.

I stop fawning over my hopeless crush and decide to head out, I need to go get my missing work anyways. So I head to my 2nd period teacher, Mrs, Sawn.

I wasn't at school yesterday because I had a cold, a weird one. I had the worst headache in my life, I was so cold, I thought I was going to die. It was painful, and it went on for hours. It started out with my eyes getting blurry, than by the end I could hear my neighbors all the way outside.

I didn't like this change, maybe it's puberty I thought. I laughed at that though, why would I have my puberty at 17 ? I giggled to myself.

I make it to Mrs. Sawn and knock on the door, she opens it and I smile. Mrs. Sawn is such a happy-go-lucky teacher. She's a little old woman that just smiles and smiles. I loved her happiness.

I smile at her and tell her that I was sick yesterday but forgot to ask her to get my work in class. She laughs at me and in her little old woman voice she tells me that it's okay and hands me my work with a smile on her face.

I smile and wave bye than head out, next to go is Mr. Roberts in 1st period. I have 12 minutes left of lunch so I should be able to make it to 6th period.

I'm at Mr. Roberts door before I even know it. I knock on the door, and he opens the door. Mr. Roberts is a tall man, having to be at least 6'7". He's nice too though, he has dark brown hair and dull brown eyes, word around school is that his wife left him. I give him a side smile and tell him what I need, and he gives me my work.

I give him a wave bye and again I leave. That was the only work I was missing so I decide to go to the lunch, there's only 5 minutes left anyways, might as well.

Before I even open the doors I hear everyone yelling, having loud conversations, and laughing. The sound amplifies when I open the door, which makes me cringe. I've never understood why they always had to be so loud, but then again the emptiest minds are the loudest.

I walk over to a table that's empty, just as I sit down I'm knocked over and land with a thump. I look up at this guy who has never liked me. He's always bullied me or at least tried. He'd try and whisper little things when I'd walk by like, "ugly," or "weirdo." But I didn't care.

He didn't concern me whatsoever. If anything it made me laugh. I shake my head and get up patting myself off. He pushes me hard, up against the wall, that's when I smell the liquor on his breath. He literally came to school drunk, I shake my head and try nudging him off.

"Get off me!" I mutter out, pushing as hard as I can.

"Look at you, little Bella." He whispers in my ear. His hot breath making me turn my head away.

Just as I give up hope, I look to the side and see them hazel eyes.

A/N: The picture is Grey lol, but do you guys like this story or at least the idea of it for now?
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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