Chapter 1. Entering the Palace

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"Gray! Get your ass in here, boss has something to say to us."

Way to ruin my peaceful time.

I sat up from where I was laying down under the big weeping willow tree to look at my friend, Vincent, who stood at the back door of the house about 10 minutes away. By foot of course. This is my favourite spot in this small town. It's right at the border of the forest, behind the house in which we live in. It's very quiet, with the sound of moving leaves when there's some breeze, and there just enough light peeping through the big tree. This is where I relax.

"I'm coming." I stood up and dusted myself off before heading back into the house which I share with 6 other people. All male. Can you imagine 6 big intimidating yet freakishly childish werewolves in one house? I'll let your imagination to take care of that.

We're warriors. But not just warriors from a regular pack, we're like royal guards in a way but not really. We've been sent here to take care of the town and make sure that when other packs visit or other supernatural being comes in at the dock, everything is good with whatever business trade needs to happen. We are at the south by the waters where goods from other parts of the world come here to be distributed around the country. Since there are quite a lot of different people that come in regularly , they decided to put some people around the place to ensure everything is safe.

It's not the craziest or most exciting thing but we like it here. It's peaceful, well it's really busy, always busy, but everyone's kind and just friendly and there's not much drama regardless of the quite big population. Plus, I don't mind doing any of these things, I like helping the people and keeping everyone safe. It was my dream growing up to follow my late father's occupation as a royal warrior, to protect my fellow wolves from danger.

Every wolf knows how to fight, but warriors are trained even more heavily to ensure that we know exactly what we're doing and can handle the worst situations. My father died during a war, not with other kinds, it was war with a big rouge pack who decided to rebel against the royal family as they didn't agree with how things were being run. My mother actually died giving birth to me. Having lost her mate and having to give birth wasn't really the best thing for her at that time.

I was raised by my grandparents and at the age 13, I decided to go to the Royal Academy in the West where I lived to pursue my dreams. Now at 23, I'm finally able to do what I've always wanted to do.

"Alright, now everyone's here. Come closer I have some pretty good news for us." I took a seat by Vince and looked at the man we call 'boss'. A 34 year old man with brown hair and brown eyes. He's the oldest one out of all of us and leads the group. He's mated with a 4 year old son and lives 5 minutes away. His name is Felix. "I just received a letter." He held up an opened envelope with the red seal that indicated it was from the Palace. "The new King has been inviting different warrior groups that help outside of the capital and help around in different parts of the country. He's inviting us along with other warriors in the South to visit the Palace. I'm guessing to talk and thank us."

The palace eh. "That's pretty much it. We'll be leaving in 2 days so pack up and don't worry, for the time we'll be in the capital, others are going to be placed here so there are still patrols at the dock and the town in general. Alrighty, you do whatever it was you were all doing." Vincent sprang right  up and left quickly without glancing back.

Wonder where he's going.

I stood up and walked towards Felix who looked up from his phone to watch me. "Can I see that letter?" Felix gave me a smile and handed over the letter which I looked over. Never really saw a letter from the Palace like this before. "Cool isn't it? I didn't expect this either but I guess the new King is starting with trying to learn about all his men...that sounds a bit weird or is it just me? Anyway it's good for all of you young bachelors, you may all find your mates in that big capital. You're all in your early 20's so you should be finding your mates soon."

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