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I'm falling endlessly
down the spiral that is my mind
and I don't know how to stop.
Do I even want to?
Sometimes I can't even think,
I just fall further and further,
getting more lost
within myself.
Why is there darkness
clouding my mind
every time I try to look within
and find out the truth of my existence?
Who is this talking in my head?
Do I know you?
You don't seem to have good advice
or maybe I just don't understand...
but why?
Why can't I fucking understand?
What makes me less than others?
Why am I blind and they can see?
I guess the creator doesn't like me.
But it's okay,
I don't need to be divine.
I'll just be the black sheep,
the one that doesn't follow the others
and does his own thing,
not caring what anyone thinks.
I will live for the truth
and spread love where I can.
I will stand for what's right
and help anyone in need.
I won't give up on anyone
because we all deserve happiness.

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