Chapter Four

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"Charasuke, what's the meaning of this?"

The second born Uchiha son glanced up, a goofy grin on his creamy visage that looked so similar to his younger brother that it nearly made Ichiki's knees shake.

"That, my dear, is a piece of paper. On it are the written words of truest love!"

Ichiki rolled her eyes, sitting across from the playboy at the large table. They were presently in the school's library, some studying for college entrance exams and others to simply peruse a novel. This was Charasuke's normal hunting grounds, as he liked intelligent ladies the best. Unfortunately, it was also Ichiki's favourite part of the entire senior high school.

"You flirt with everyone."

"But with you the most, my darling kitten. Tell me, how would you like it if I made you purr?"

Ichiki's nose wrinkled in disgust.


"I could treat you like a princess! No -- a queen! An angel! A GODDESS!"

"I'm none of the above, Uchiha-senpai."

"You cooooould be," Charasuke said in a singsong manner.


"You let my brother treat you like a toilet, but you refuse to allow me to cherish every fibre of your being?"

A small hint of pink came to Ichiki's cheeks, almost going unnoticed by the flirt.

"He did no such thing."

"He di-"

"And nor will you."

Charasuke was dumbfounded, slightly amused as well, by her firm rejection. If he had given that note to any other girl, they would've spread their legs in two seconds flat. They'd be begging him to take them, to treat them like royalty. But, he had given the note -- and his heart -- to the raven haired Kuran. His brother had only wanted her body, but he wanted her heart and soul to go with it. Charasuke absolutely wanted to own every centimetre of her pale flesh.

"Why not at least try? You gave my heartless younger brother a chance. Why do you so stubbornly refuse my offerings of love and loyalty?"

"Your words are false. I don't need the whispered lies of lips that will never know love."

"Ah, you're being talkative now. Go on, tell me more."

Would it be strange if he got off on her apparent hatred of him? Would it be so wrong to enjoy every cold word that slipped past her beautiful pale pink lips? It did not help his cause that he could smell her lavender scented body wash or that her hair was tucked behind her ear, giving him the slightest glance of her slender neck. Much like his brother, he wanted to nibble on it and leave his tainted mark upon her graceful flesh.

"You're a pig."

Charasuke couldn't help but smirk, licking his lower lip as he reached over to place his palm over her hand. She immediately pulled her hand away, glaring. If she had had a knife, like her older sister, she would've stabbed that disgusting body part of him to the table. The man in front of her looked like his brother, save for the hair, but he acted entirely different and it put her off to even think of him so much as breathing next to her. Ichiki Kuran was thoroughly repulsed by Charasuke and his little charade.

"I could be your pig," his voice was laced with honey.

"I could also jump out of a plane without a parachute."

He liked her sass, but he didn't appreciate her quick wit using it so tirelessly against himself.

"If you did that, you'd break that cute little body of yours beyond repair. Kitten, not even you would land on your feet."

A Sweet Toxicity ||AU! SasuIchi|| 18+Where stories live. Discover now