Robert looked up at Robert and smiled. Robert put his hand around Robert and Robert leaned on Robert. And they walked out of the store.

Robert and Robert walked to the cinema (because England is their city) and were watching the Emoji Movie. Robert glanced at Robert and noticed he was smiling at how Gene the meh emoji and Jailbreak had such a strong connection, similar to the way Robert had with Robert.

After the movie, Robert and Robert walked down the street to the
the Queen's house cause they were friends with her. They walked in to see the Queen 🅱oppin' to the exclusive new Space Jam playlist cause she's the Queen.

They started 🅱oppin' too and soon it was a 🅱op fest. After about 420 minutes of 🅱oppin', they stopped and walked out. Robert held Robert's hand and they walked home to Brandon's 🆒 house.

Brandon was surrounded with 1,000+ kitties and 1,000,000+ kitty toys. Robert and Robert pet each of the kitties, but soon all of the fun had to end.

Robert left Robert and walked away Robert tried following him but seemed stuck in the same place. He panicked and started to bang on the walls, he still stayed in the same place

A kitty walked up to him and began rubbing itself on Robert. Robert smiled and bent down to pet it but suddenly he fell over, and reality hit him.

In his last moment, Robert recalled everything that happened that night. He went to the store with Robert, he went to the cinema (because England is their city), he went to the Queen's house and had a 🅱oppin time, then they walked home to Brandon's 🆒 house.

What had happened? He suddenly realized that whole day had been a lie. He remembered the cinema,

"Mom, why is that man doing that?"

"Shh, Daniel, (Howell but not really.) the film (because England is their city) is starting."

The Queen's house,

"Umm, who are you?"

"Guards? GUARDS?"

"Sir I'm going to need you to leave the property."

"Sir? SIR! May you please leave the property."

And finally, Brandon's 🆒 house.

"Oh hey Robert, how'd it go?"


It all made sense, he realized all of this time he had spent with Robert, made zero sense. He thought of the whole situation and realized how stupid he had been. He couldn't believe it all of this had been a lie. And in his final breath he heard the sentence that ended this terrible story.

"Robert, why would you put the mirror there?"

Robert x Robert: A Robert StoryWhere stories live. Discover now