I will love you when the sun rises part 1

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HI guys, so I will try to be as clear as possible. Some Merlin/Mordred stories will be one shots, others will be completed stories. I will title them as best as I can so there is no confusion. If that doesn't work I'll just make a whole other book for the one shots. I feel like there isn't enough Merlin/ Mordred love so please enjoy guys.

He shouldn't have loved him, he knew that. But he couldn't help it. His love for the boy grew each time he looked at him, fear kept him away but desire wanted to draw him closer. Merlin was no fool, he knew what the younger boy thought of him. How the young druid practically worshipped him.

Merlin convinced himself to stay away, but there are times where all the young warlock wanted was to just pull the young druid into his arms and kiss his beautiful pale skin. Times such as now - Merlin and knights were on a rescue mission, one of their own had been taken and held hostage. The witch who taken the knight was successfully dealt with, as for the knight himself...his life was lost in battle. Mordred was beside himself with grief, the knight had been his friend.

Back at the castle a proper funeral was held. Mordred could been seen standing in the shadows as tears silently ran down his face. Merlin held his hands clasped behind his back as he tried to calm his emotions. Seeing Mordred like this was not easy for several reasons. One, his love for the young druid made him want to reach out and craddle the boy. Two, it made it hard to focus on the Mordred he has seen in his vision of the future. The one he should be focused on in order to keep his king - his friend alive.

Hours passed and night finally made its way to camelot. But Merlin could not rest, he was so focused on the young druid that it was not hard for his magic to connect with the druids. Whenever his emotions were too high, Merlin was able to feel them. Mordred would get so caught up in his feelings that all his shields would be down and Merlin without even trying could read the boy's' thoughts. Mordred blamed himself and how he could have used magic but couldn't because then he would have been caught. Mordred felt grief but he also felt...shame. Shame for not being able to impress the one he practically saw as a god.

Breathing deeply Merlin began to pace the small space in his room. Frustration began to swell in the pit of his stomach. Eyes that were as blue as the darkest depths of the sea appeared behind his lids each time he closed his eyes.

"Dammit" Merlin cursed to himself

But he could already feel his own legs moving toward the door on their own accord. Sneaking past Gaius Merlin made his way to the side of the castle that housed the knights. Down a few hallways and up a flight of stairs Merlin found himself standing outside a tall wooden door.

Instead of knocking on the door which could have possibly altered several sleeping knights, Merlin reached Mordred the one way only he could.

"Mordred" Merlin thought reaching out for the young boy

"Emrys?" the voice whispered back as if in disbelief

"Open the door"

A few moments went by and Merlin had decided to leave when the door was opened rather quickly.

"I - um-what" Mordred seemed shocked that Merlin was even here

"How about you let me in before someone sees" the older warlock interrupted

Nodding his head quickly as if still surprised the young druid made room for the older man to walk by.

"You need to control yourself better" Merlin began as soon as he heard the door close

"I'm sorry?" Mordred questioned

"When you're upset or bothered your shields are down and I can sense you even at the other end of the castle"

Looking up at the older man the young druid stood taller and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in through the nose and letting it out a moment later, he questioned the warlock before opening his eyes.


Merlin reached forward with his magic only to met a wall of pulsating heat.

"Yes much better" Merlin thought back

"You know you didn't have to come here tonight, not that I'm not happy to see you! Cause I am, I just-"

"I should go"

Merlin made a move for the door


Mordred stood in front of the man

"Emrys...You don't like me. Let alone trust me and I would like to know why"

Looking down at the young druid he felt his heart beat strongly. He desired the young druid, but could not act on his desire to touch the younger boy. Apparently lost in his own thoughts the boy mistook his silence.

"Is it that hard to trust someone?"

"I do trust someone"

"No you do not. None of your friends know who you REALLY are. But I do, I know you"

"What you know is a druid myth and nothing more"

"But you're not a myth! You stand before me. It's -"

"There is really no point in arguing, its late and-"

"I haven't done anything to offend you! Why do you push me away? I'm the only one who understands you"

As to make a point Mordred reached out with his magic, allowing it to trace over Merlin's body. The heat against his form and the ever so soft touch of it against his skin started to pool in his lower regions as he felt a part of him tense up. Licking his lips he tried to calm himself.

As for the young druid, he was aware of what he was doing. How he controlled his magic to roll over his god's body. How the reaction of the older man licking his pink lips made his own lower region tense.

"Emrys" he tried again,oh how he wanted the older man. The man he practically sees as a god and not some servant to a human king.

"Goodnight Mordred"

Long legs rushed out of the room, leaving a young druid boy to wonder why his god can't just LOOK at him.

In his own room that he shared in the physician's quarters, Merlin was desperately trying to not think about the young druid boy and exactly what his own magic could have done to the boy.


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