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Aiden throws my last bag into the bed of his black truck. 

"Come on, we need to go." he says climbing into the driver's side. 

I take one more last look at the apartment building that we had been living in ever since the incident. 

"Yeah, I know. I'm coming." I say as I turn away from where he and I had lived for the past 2 months. I climb into the passenger side and Aiden starts the car and we pull away from  the building. We slowly pass through the town without a word spoken between us. On our way to the freeway we pass my school, I begin to feel hollow. I've lived in this town my whole life and now I'm leaving in the middle of the night, never to come back.

 I wish I could tell my friends goodbye. But I know that Aiden was right in saying that it will be safer not to tell anyone that we have left. They will figure it out sooner or later.  

We pass the city sign and that's when the hollowness almost completely grasps me. I can't really feel anything, except this small sliver of hope. 

The hope is that he wont find us.


Heyo! I know I already put this in the book bio BUT, I just wanted to remind yall again that in the upcoming chapters, there will be quite a lot of profanity cause I wanted to make this book as realistic as possible and as many of you know the majority of teenagers cuss, sooooo that's that. 

Anyway, talk to yall later!

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