Chapter 1

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There was one color hanging in the air. One color that tainted my vision and blurred my senses. It was the only thing I remembered seeing, that is, besides the bodies of course.


Blinding red and pale white combined to form the scene before me. The colors made up what was left of the emergency clinic, and there were even tints of grey swirling towards the tattered ceiling. The buzzing in my ears consumed most of my senses and deafened me to the surrounding world.

My eyes snapped from one crumpled mass to the next, but my legs were numb beneath me, refusing to move no matter how hard I strained. One crumpled form entered my sight and froze my attempts at moving. She was lying next to me, and her face held a serene expression, completely contrasting the situation around her.

I reached over and brushed my finger against her neck, praying to find a steady beat on her skin. In the moment we touched, I was consumed with a horrifying flash of what had just occurred. A man with a bag, a deafening crash, the girl beside me, a lunge, pain, and then black.

My mind shot back to the moment as my fingers felt a soft yet steady pounding beneath them. My breath hitched with relief, and for a moment I forgot about the numbness in my legs and the pain in my chest. I turned my head and looked behind me and was startled to see that I couldn't find my own legs. I tried to focus myself, but I could feel my mind slipping. I forced myself into awareness but not even all my will power was able to stop my heavy eyelids from dropping over my sight and plunging me into a suffocating blackness.

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