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Loren POV

We walk into Uma food court

Uma-Here.You can start asking orders.

Handing me a waitress cloth

Uma-Harry your in cleaning duty

Handing him a spray bottle and small towel

Carlos POV

When I saw Loren it brought me back to when we where little and I will take her stuff and she will have to kiss me for it but she never gave me a kiss

We get to Mal place Ben goes up and we stay down stairs.


Gil told me about the traitors being back so I send Harry to steal the prince or any of them he could get.

Me-Go steal one of them


He left the bottle and towel on the table

Carlos POV

Ben came down we where talking till I notice Ben was not here

Me-Where is Ben?

Evie and Jay-Ben?! Ben!?!

Their was someone walking towards us we taught it was Ben

Evie-Ben you scared us

Harry-I scared you?

Me-What did you do to Ben?!

Harry-We just hooked him.Oh Uma wants to see Mal.Alone.

He walked away

We go upstairs to Mal

Mal-You did what?!

Me-We did nothing Harry took him

Mal-This wouldn't happen if you didn't bring him!!

Jay-We have to save him

Evie-Harry said Uma wanted to see you

Mal-I should go

Jay-I am coming


Me-He said to come alone so I don't know about you but am staying

Others-Okay where here when you need us

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