The Sequel

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A long, long time ago, in a city not too far away, two cousins came together to produce a story that a lot of you loved, apparently.

When we last left off, Anakin had uttered an utterly horrible pun that left Obi-Wan to fall off the bed in a laughing fit.

Now, after forgetting about it several times, I have completed what I believe is a pretty good sequel in the sequel sense.


Anakin wakes up to find Obi-Wan passed out on the floor of his room. He takes a moment to recall the events of the night as an evil grin develops on his face.

He pokes Obi-Wan's cheek with the index finger of his robotic hand. As expected, Obi-Wan instantly sits up and smacks Anakin's hand only to reel back in pain.

"Not again," Obi-Wan hisses as he rubs his hand. "It's still sore from punching you last night."

"Quit your whining, Obi-Wan, we have Jedi work to do." Anakin cheerily exclaims.

Obi-Wan looks up at Anakin with his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Don't you remember that Master Yoda suspended you from doing anything for the rest of the week after the, ahem, 'accident'?"

"Don't you dare bring that up!" Anakin whines, "It wasn't my fault that the archives were designed so flimsily."

"Ah, yes, and it wasn't your fault that the archives just happened to collapse while you were guarding them." Obi-Wan mocks.

"Shut up you Tusken Raider."


"Nothing." Anakin quickly turns away from Obi-Wan to make his bed.

"Am I not allowed to be friendly?" Obi-Wan asks, "And why are you making your bed; as far as I know, you haven't done that since '24."

"Old people can pick up on old habits." Anakin retorts.

"You do realize that you simultaneously made no sense and called yourself old, right?"

"Stop trying to be my voice of reason!"

Obi-Wan opens his mouth to reply to that with something along the lines of "Everybody needs a voice of reason, Anakin." when the hologram stand in the room lights up and the small form of Master Yoda appears.

"Oh, here you are, Obi-Wan." Yoda says in his weird speech pattern. "Watch over Anakin for the day, you will." he lets out one of his trademark laugh-like sounds and the hologram disappears.

"Looks like you're stuck with me for the day!" Anakin cheers.

Obi-Wan takes in a deep breath and sighs in an attempt to calm himself. "Save me." he mutters.



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