The Not-Amazing Ninth Part (Poems + Announcement)

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So I saw someone write a poem about ships they like so here I am doing it


Dramione was my very first ship
It's quite nostalgic to me
Although Romione's cannon as far as the eye can see

Remadora also exists,
They really loved each other
The werewolf and crazy hair went through thick and thin
And Tonks became a mother

Rocketshipping is the freakin best
That's why it shows up on the list
Although we still
Haven't got a a single freakin kiss

Kilona is so very good, where do I even start
The mycologist and resarcher hand and hand
But the mycologist is good at breaking hearts

Esmé and Olaf I shipped a lot
But he didn't lover her back
Because she was too into fashion
Being a part of the team is what she lacked

i think im gonna make a poetry book

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