Chapter 1-Sub-Zero

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I froze someone and I walked up to them. I grabbed their head and I tore it off of their body. The ice wore off and blood went on my face. My mask had a line of blood going up it. I wiped it off and froze the dudes head. I slammed it into a tree and the ice had a red tint to it. The heads pieces fell on the ground and broke even more. I walked away and entered Beacon. Students stared at the blood all over me, I ignored them. "Heh... I always enter with blood all over me and their still surprised" I thought to myself, smirking a little. I entered my dorm to see someone, sitting in the middle of my dorm. "Who-" I was cut off by the person turning around. I saw my old enemy, Scorpion. "What are you doing back in Vale?" I demanded. "Nothing.. just that I've joined Beacon, and I'm in your team" He responded. I growled and shot ice at him. He dodged and threw a chained-spear at my chest. I spat out and he screamed "GET OVER HERE!" And pulled me toward him with the chained spear. He uppercut my jaw and I flew into a coffee table. I broke through it and I groaned. I made an ice sword and I slashed him across the face. He growled and threw his hand upwards. A demon was grabbing by legs suddenly. Scorpion took out a sword and slashed my stomach. The demon was gone and I fell to the floor. I looked up and Scorpion/ Nate was standing over me. "Nate" I muttered. He helped me up and said "We have to team up... Earth is going to fall very soon, if we don't try to stop Shinnok" I sighed and nodded. "Sorry about beating you up" He quickly said. I nodded and said "I should say the same to you"

Nate took off his mask and took off his hood. He actually had a face this time. Dyed pink hair, brown eyebrows and brown beard. I took off my mask and hood as well. "It's good to be allies, Nate" I said. He nodded and fell on his bed. "Jeez.. you've gotten stronger, (Y/N)" He said, wiping the blood off the wound he suffered from my ice sword. "As have you.. Demons holding my legs really hurt, and so does that chained spear" I replied, touching the wound from the chained spear. "Haha.. thank you. I've been training for Shinnok and other foes, such as Shao Khan is coming back as well" He said in a serious tone. I nodded. "We may need some help" I added on. He nodded and said "In our team will be Johnny Cage and Kenshi, excluding us of course"

I chuckled and said "Just like old days" Nate smiled and nodded. Johnny Cage and Kenshi then entered. "Hey guys!" Johnny yelled. I nodded up and Nate shook his hand. Kenshi entered and said "Long time no see" "Yes, but we're here now" I replied. "It's been a long time, my friends. But we have to work together to save Earth and its inhabitants." Nate said. We all nodded and we all left to the training area. Scorpion and I versus Johnny Cage and Kenshi. The training match started and I ran at Kenshi. He pushed me back with a blue force. I fell back and I rolled backwards and landed on my feet. I dodged a slash by him and I froze his feet, it was temporary though. I kicked his chest and he flew back, his feet being let free from the ice. I heard Scorpion yell "GET OVER HERE" I looked over and saw Johnny being beat to a pulp. Johnny tried to punch Scorpion on the face. Scorpion dodged and grabbed Johnny's arm and he broke it. Scorpion then kicked his chest and he flew back. A transparent blue Kenshi slashed at me. I saw the real Kenshi behind me and I dodged and made an ice clone. The transparent Kenshi touched it and it froze up. I grabbed the fake Kenshi and I threw it at the real one. Kenshi fell on his back and groaned. I heard a crack and saw Scorpion's jaw get broken. Johnny went on his knees and grabbed Scorpion's head and he slammed it on his knee, breaking Scorpion's skull. Johnny then backflipped and kicked Scorpions jaw mid backflip, breaking it again.

Scorpion stumbled back and Johnny flew forward and kicked Scorpions stomach. Scorpion growled and broke Johnny's leg and he punched Johnny's face. I froze Kenshi's legs and I punched him across the face. He spat out blood and shoved a sword through my shoulder. I yelled in pain and he walked out of the ice. He took the sword out of my shoulder with his magic thing. I stumbled back and I dodged a slice by his sword. I froze his entire body and I took a breath. "10 more seconds and he's unfrozen" I muttered. I picked him up and I held him over my head. I dropped him on my knee and he yelled in pain once the ice was broken off. I elbowed his head back and his neck snapped. I then grabbed his leg and I slammed him into a wall, breaking his skull. (my custom x-ray)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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