Chapter 1

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-OKAY SO I made this so like in the game, you went on everyone's first two dates, the third date didn't exist. does that make sense??? whatever, enjoy the first chapter ;) - Creator

You and Amanda have been preparing for her to go to HIA for a while, and she's got a few weeks before summer is over and you have to drive her there. You two have been spending as much time together as possible, whether if it's watching Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers, or actually going to places other than the house. Whatever it is, you both enjoy yourselves, making the last memories you can.

You've also been spending time with the other Dad's in the cul- de- sac (DID I SPELL THAT RIGHT) Joseph has been throwing barbecues and parties, you've been working out with Craig on your hot DAD BOD! You've done several dad competitions with Brian, listened to music with Mat, Damien has shown you more Victorian culture, and you've been seeing Ernest get better with Duchess, his new dog and hung with Hugo. Amanda has been awkward around him, though. You've also done several bar hopping trips and paranormal shit with Robert. Each day, your new home becomes more of an addiction. Everyone is so nice and welcoming! You love it here.

You are currently sitting on the couch, waiting for Amanda do come home from being with her friends, thinking about all the memories you've made. Suddenly, your laptop screen pops up, you've got a message on Dadbook! You quickly see who it's from.

As you open the message, Amanda walks through the door,
"Hey Pops! I'm home!" she walks into the kitchen, and from the corner of your eye you can see her digging through the pantry.
"Hi Manda Panda! How was it?" you ask as you quickly read the message, it's from Robert.
'hey dude, you want to hang tonight? we can grab some drinks and go somewhere quiet'
"It was good, we went to the mall and ate some rad tacos! Then we went to shop a little, I got a cool new shirt!" She sticks her tongue out, making a silly face and you smile, looking up from your laptop. Amanda is holding up a maroon shirt with a cool design on it.
"That's so cool!" I say, smiling, and look back at my laptop, about to right a message back
'sounds fun to me! i'll come by at 7" I hit send and shut off my laptop, smiling slightly.

You have  about 3 hours until you had to leave for Robert's. Amanda came and sat next to me.
"Yo, you wanna watch some Paranormal Ice Road Truckers?" You turn, looking at her. She looks up at me and shrugs
"We watch that aaalll the tiiiimmmee" she groans, tilting her head back, "can we watch something elllsssee?" I nod, a little disappointed.
"Sure, pull up something you want me to see." You toss her the controller and she scrolls through Qetflicks, a site that lets us watch almost any show we want. She searches up a show called 'Futurama' and she starts the first episode. It's an animated series, and through the first ten minutes of it, You can tell you're going to like it.

-time skip-

You check your watch and realize it's 6:55 and you decide to start getting ready. You leave Amanda on the couch and go to your room, throwing on some nicer clothes and you fix your hair. By the time you're done, It's 7, and you head out the door.
"Bye Amanda, i'll be home in a few hours. Robert and I are going to grab some drinks. Call if you need anything!" You wave at her, and she manages to pull her eyes away from the TV
"Bye Dad" She giggles and glues her eyes back to the TV. You close the front door and walk down to Robert's, knocking on the door. You straighten your old jacket and rub your eyes, hoping the drinks will wake you up.
The door opens and you see Robert, half smiling.
"Hey, Y/N..."
"Hey. We heading out?" You ask, and you slightly point at his red pickup truck.
"Yup.. let me grab my jacket.." He steps away from the door and you walk over to the truck.
He comes back out and runs a hand through his hair, walking over to the drivers side of his truck and unlocks it. You both get in and he starts the car. You look around at the truck floor and notice that the old cigarette boxes are gone and the bottles are gone too..
did he quit smoking? you ask yourself as you look back out the window.
"Where are we heading?" You ask, and you lean back getting comfortable watching the street lights go bye.
"The little liquor store down the way, then we'll go over to the bay." He says bluntly, and you watch him pull a small box out of his jacket pocket, its metal and as you look closely, you realize it's a vape.
"Woah... that's cool..." You say as you watch him put the vape in his mouth, take a long drag and blow, smoke goes everywhere.
"Thanks.. I figured i'd take my addiction down slightly.." He keeps his eyes on the road and puts the vape back in. You look away, happy that Robert is trying to straighten things out. You wonder if he will ever quit whiskey. You shake your head.. That'll never happen!

You both are now at over by the bayside, and you have your bottle of whiskey you got from the liquor store. Robert takes you over to the sand near the water and pulls out a small blanket for the both of you to sit on. The sun is almost ready to set (BECAUSE OF THE TIME CHANGE OKAY SHHH) and you start taking shots. The more you've been hanging with Robert, you've been starting to like whiskey. It doesn't burn your throat anymore. You've also been getting used to the silence, since that's what he likes. He suddenly turns to look at you and takes a sip of whiskey.
"Have you been packing Amanda up yet for HIA?" He asks
"Yea.. It's a slow.. but sad process," You sigh, and you hoped that he wouldn't bring this up, you've been needing a distraction from that. Robert nods and looks into the sun.
"I remember when Val left... she was so happy." Robert chuckles and takes a long swig of the whiskey. You smile slightly and take a small sip, looking at the horizon.
You the waves take a hold of the silence for a bit, then You feel like you need to spark up a conversation.
"Hey Robert," He grunts softly and takes another sip, "If you could have any job in the world right now, what would it be?" You ask and lay back on the blanket, looking at him.
"I'd probably love to work in a cubicle, doing mindless things" He looks at you with a serious but joking facial expression. You chuckle,
"That seems perfect for you!" You pay his shoulder jokingly and he lays down on the blanket too.
"Haha.. " He smiles looking up at the sky, the sun finally set and the moon was coming through a dark navy blue sea "I think I'd really want to own a little whittled shop.." he holds up a finger, "but I wouldn't want anyone knowing I owned it" He puts his hand back down, chuckling.
"That would be cool!" You say, chuckling as well, and you look back at the sky. "I think I'd love to be an actor.. or something" You frown as you say that, realizing it's kind of stupid. You've only been in a few school plays, back from when you were in elementary school.
Robert smiles, "Would you have auditioned for Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers?"
You punch the air enthusiastically, "Hell yea!" You say, chuckling. "In all honesty, I would've made the show better!" You shake your head, still chuckling.
"Sorry, Y/N, but I think the show is good the way it is." He pats your shoulder reassuringly, and you frown, but you know it was true.

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