Chapter 13| Dox's Family Reunion

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~A few weeks later, DFTF LA Headquarters~

Vulcan was there along with the Dragons, celebrating their victory over Black Sun in LA.

Dox was socializing with the officers.

"Never thought I would be seeing the day where LA is free from the Black Sun scum." Eclipse said (Quick Author's note. I changed Shadow's name to Eclipse.)

"Seriously, though, this is an incredible victory," Dox said. "I didn't think it would be possible."

"It's all thanks to you my mate." Vulcan said chuckling. "And thanks to our victory here, the furs are starting to trust Dragons."

"Some more than others," Eclipse smirked as Dox wagged and blushed sheepishly.

"W-Well, we are mates, I hope I trust him," the folf giggled.

"Now now Uncle Eclipse be nice to my mate or i might have to claw your cock off." Vulcan giggled

Eclipse folded his ears. "H-hey... not cool..."

"I'm just joking Uncle" Vulcan chuckled as he nuzzled him.

Eclipse nuzzled the Dragon. "Glad you're not dead, Vul. Now, when are you marrying your furry boy toy?" he chuckled.

Dox blushed heavily when he said that, leaving to get a drink.

"when I feel I'm ready Eci" Vulcan said.

Eclipse nodded, going back to his fur companions.

Dox shook his head, nervously sipping his beer. Would we actually get married? he thought.

Vulcan wanted to but he felt that four months was too early for marriage.

Dox felt the same way. As much as he loved his Dragon mate, he wasn't ready for that kind of commitment.

"Eclipse, me and Dox are still too early in the relationship. I feel like marrying him now when he and I aren't ready for that yet will well......wreck the relationship." Vulcan said. "We've only been dating for four months."

Eclipse nodded. "I was just kidding about the marriage thing. You two just seem like a perfect couple. I've never seen you two fight, argue or have any problems any other couple has."

"True, we haven't but we also had the most injuries out of the other couples" Vulcan chuckled.

"Good point," he said.

Vulcan nuzzles his mate.

Dox nuzzled in return, still blushing from earlier. "W-well, uh, guess I should be heading home. Paperwork." He looked up at Vulcan, his eyes begging for a kiss.

Vulcan picked up Dox and kissed him wrapping his wings around the folf.

Dox wagged happily but kept blushing as everyone was watching. He wasn't used to these public displays of affection. "I'll, uh, I'll video call you..." he whispered.

"Babe we live together" Vulcan giggled.

Dox folded his ears. He hadn't told him he still had his apartment. "R-right... well, um, about that..." he smiled sheepishly.

"You still have your apartment don't you?"

"Are you mad? Please don't be mad, I-I just..." he lowered his head.

"I'm not mad babe."

"Y-you're not?" Dox asked as he looked up at him.

"No I'm not" Vulcan swished his tail.

Dox hugged him tightly. "I just... It's my home... it's all I have left of..." he sighed. "Can you fly me home please?" he whispered.

"What about the family house?" Vulcan asked.

Dox turned his head.

"You know, the house where you grew up?" Vulcan asked.

"I just..." he noticed everyone was watching. "C-can we talk about this later?" He whispered.

Vulcan nodded

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