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The Death Kiss Chronicles: Soul Suckers

Higher and higher I go

Tell me if it’s real

Or maybe fake.

Falling and falling I go

My soul is leaving

Should I leave or should I not?

The feathers on my back

They spread all wide

I then take off

For my night ride.



I woke up wondering about life and death. I never understood either of their purposes. Both so cursed and also pleasurable. When I first witnessed the death of my friend Annie when I was six, I didn’t feel sad or depressed. I felt something else, curiosity. I was fascinated. Nothing else.

I became obsessed since the incident with Annie. Who knew one little kiss would take her to her grave. Who knew that her death would be the thing to make a child go insane, not with anxiety, but with excitement. Who knew I would be the one to control death its self.

I don’t know why I woke up wondering about dying and living, maybe it was because it was the day before the anniversary of Annie’s death. That could have been the reason. For me the days I think the most are days that involve with death. I can’t help it for being what I am. The goddess made me this way and I will take my being seriously. If I don’t. I will swear on my grave I wont exist as Death’s Warrior, the one with black wings.

An angel of death must always be ready, even for the worst, which was what I found out after the kiss I gave Annie. Her soul was sucked right out from her body, which would never return to earth or the heaven that had been waiting for her for years.

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