The Gawei Invasion

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A youngling, the son of a Levytan Noble family, on the cusp of manhood in Levytan culture, the first brown sprouts recently sprung from the spry pale flesh of his chin, sits alone in a room, at a table, expertly crafted from Rakk wood, the natural gilt color of the wood polished to a high shine and casting a near-gold shimmer in the light. The mid day rays of the sun pouring through the latticed casement, as he holds his head in his hands, waiting, boredom waxing over his deep amber eyes.

"Gah, this is maddening!" The boy shouts, sick of his hour long wait for his tutor's arrival.

As if cued by the shout, an old man, his white hair peppered mostly with grey and a dash of golden brown, enters and walks to the window and pulls the window open, spilling the warm glow throughout the room.

"Such a lovely day." The aged one declares, a spark lights in his green eyes as he looks out over the Levyt River, the sunlight turning the waves white and gold.

"Good morning, instructor." The boy shakes himself from his apathy to greet his teacher.

"Good morn, young one." The elder says, placing a firm hand on the boy's shoulder to steady himself as he stooped to look the boy in the eye and ask, "Where did we leave our last lesson?"

The boy thinks for a moment, then perks up, "We just finished going over 'Proper Council Procedure in Undertaking Governance over Foreign Citizenry'" His excitement falls away as he remembers the painstaking lessons, the boredom that the dry, monotonous language elicited within him.

"Ah good, then we can move to a new subject," The Instructor proclaims, throwing back his dark blue sleeves, clapping his hands together. He circles around the table to the bookshelf. "'The Finer Points of Trade'. No..." The Instructor mutters to himself as he thumbed through the books, " Ah, 'The Gawei Invasion'" He finally settles on and grabbed the dusty book from the shelf.

"I think you will like this one, it involves an ancestor of yours." The Instructor says as he places the book on the table before the Boy and the Boy's eyes light up.

Thoughts fill his mind as he looked at the book, "War. Sword fights, tales of brave soldiers. All the fun things." He thinks to himself as he flips it open.

"It was the 5th month in the year 1799, After the Breaking, when Gawei Rule laid claim of Conquest upon the Levyt capital city and her colonies, they marshalled a great host and put their forces to ships and began the first Invasion in recorded History..." The Boy begins reading aloud, as he does, images begin to swirl within his mind.

Seven aged men dressed in fine leathers, customly dyed in a variety of reds, blues, greens, and blacks, sit around a large circular and ornate table and chairs, crafted from Rakk wood and trimmed with the rare ebony wood of Blackwood trees and ornamented with clamshells and a large pearl embedded in its center.

One of the seven, hair of sandy brown and cut short, a style common in the Realm, his leathers, refined but not showy, dyed blue and trimmed in dark red, speaks up, the torches lighting his orange-brown eyes.

"Fellow League members, the Gawei forces have attacked." He declares to the Assemblage. "Levytan ships defending our colonies on Umi were overwhelmed and the people there were quickly subjugated." He detailed.

"That's insane, Otanij, why would they attack?" Another of the councilors demanded, this one dressed in flashy green leather trimmed in black and blue, his eyes a deep chocolate, a match for his hair, styled short in common.

"This Supreme Elder of theirs united the tribes of their island, but that doesn't appear to have been enough to satisfy his ambitions." Otanij took a rolled up note and slid it across the table, "Here, Halum, the last message we received from Umi."

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