Chapter 2

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"keep going, keep going." I kept mumbling to myself as I kept running

"almost their." I told myself again

'it must've been at least 15 minutes' I thought

'I hope hes not dead yet. At this rate i'll be their in at least 5 minutes, and if im lucky I may be able to heal him a bit'

Im not a professional medical nin like Tsunade, or Sakura, but I know a little, so im hoping I can heal him so that he's at least not on the erg of dying anymore.

"finally." I say to me self as hold my knees as I huff and puff

"I made it."

when I caught my breathe,

I looked up to see, about 5 feet in front of lied Sasuke Uchiha.

his onyx eyes were shut closed, and from where I was standing it looked like he was literally dead.

nervously, but scared, I quickly walked up to him, and kneeled down next to him

I took his cold/ lifeless hand which was covered in blood and felt to see if his pulse was still their,

But I couldn't feel a thing

'this isn't good' I thought

I then felt the pulse on his neck..

and luckly it was their, but barley

"I need to work fast." I mumble out loud

I put my hands over his wound and used the Mythical Palm Technique, which help speed up the amount of time it takes for whatever wound it is to heal.

but this one is very deep. Even if im able to heal it, its going to take him a while to recover fully.

'only if sakura found him instead of me, she'd probably be able to heal him, no problem, after all she was able to save me when I almost dies against pein'

'but, I wonder what happened to him.. it looks like he got stabbed by someone, Yet at least he didn't lose a bad amount of blood, I mean he lost a lot, but not to much that this healing method wont be able to help him' I thought

the next thing I knew.

the moon was almost up fully.

"huh? my chakras almost all gone," I said

I felt his pulses again and they were going in the normal speed now.

I then dug into my bag and took out a bandage to wrap around his wound.

I kneeled down In front of him, and sat him up leaned the front of his body onto my shoulder,

then I reached over and grabbed the bandage, and wrapped it around his upper body to cover what was left of the cut.

when I finished I threw my bag in front of him, and gently lied him down on it, so I could tie up the bandage.

luckily the place where I found him was by a cave, so we'd have to spend the night their.

I dint want to but I really had no choice right now.

I lifted him up over my shoulder, and carried him over to the cave.

he was pretty heavy, but its probably because all his muscles.

Either way I got to the cave and lied him down on my bag again.

'better get some wood to start a fire its really dark in here' I thought to myself

I walked out o f the cave and started searching for some wood,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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