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"Hey! Follow me, I found it!" Heloise was wearing one of her brightest and widest grin which usually only occured when her excitement or happiness level was at the very top, bursting at the seams.

"Now what?" Zoe had asked grumbly, having just woken up from her nap.

"Do you want to go on a treasure hunt?" Heloise's smile never ceased, even the slightest bit.

Their responses were what dimmed it down a little, causing a frown to replace it for a second. Elli was blinking at her, unsure, while Zoe was getting back to her nap, and Adrianna was shaking her head with a bored look.

Heloise growled.

In the end, she managed to get them out of their safe nest, the cave hidden deep behind the most dangerous waterfall in their area

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In the end, she managed to get them out of their safe nest, the cave hidden deep behind the most dangerous waterfall in their area.

How they'd even managed to survive could be because of pure luck as the sky was rampaging that night and drizzling rain mercilessly. They had slipped and gotten scratces and bruises (nothing new in their daily life, actually) but somehow got dumped and pushed by the strong wind howling outside, into a surprisingly livable cave. The cave's walls weren't much jagged nor covered with moss, and the floor wasn't covered with unusual stuffs that would disgust them, fortunately.

They were reliving their first time of finding their home as they tracked through long grasses into the forest and drenched their footwears in muddy soil.

"This better be worth my sleep." Zoe glared threateningly, yet Heloise waved it away nonchalantly.

"Do you really need us to help you?" Elli inquired, holding a thick branch from slapping into Zoe's already irritated face, letting her walk first.

"Nope, I just want to share to show how caring I am." Heloise beamed as she easily and rapidly cruised on a path Adrianna never recalled they had ever taken.

"Is it still far?" Heloise rolled her eyes at the whiny voice.

"No, just a few more minutes."

Zoe grunted but conceded anyway.

And true to her words, a few minutes of scowling, groaning, complaining, walking, humming, sighing, taking a couple of wrong routes, and rubbing forehead, they finally arrived at a small clearing with a crystal clear pond.

"Hmm..." Heloise took a look at a large rock before glancing down at her beeping, custom tracker for the last time, pocketing it safely.

Heloise brought her hand above the rock's surface and paused for two full seconds. Then the rock smashed into tiny pieces as she brought her hand down onto it.

She grunted and kneeled, digging around while sitting on her haunches.

The three sisters just kept staring at her back as she got busy digging.

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