Who Is Sarah

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servant Lisa -
  Sarah was my classmate, she always sits behind me ,she was not very popular, she was not having many friends.
     One day our teacher was taking our class test of Maths she was very good in this subject . my teacher.s name was Isabella . She always appreciates me but not sarah . when teacher was announcing our marks I was surprised by mine and sarah.s marks . Sarah scored 19half and I scored full marks .20 ,as I was not very good in maths but my luck and on the other side

     Sarah was just staring at me and shouted ''this can'thappen how would I score less than Lisa '' she stormed out of the class room but I know can she do I immediately followed her .
              She went to the bathroom and said ''One day will come,you will regret it''and and with a knife she suicided

I was shaking by seeing that seen .

I called my mam. I told her what happened. She called cops .She truly said everything what happened with me and my mam.


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