DBD (Part 2)

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This is part two! Hope you like!

Pairing: Brohm

"Ryan, can you promise me something?" Bryce asks, head in his boyfriend's lap. Ryan smiles down at him, hand running through the younger male's hair.

"What do you need, baby?"

"Can you promise me not to go on that show again?" Ryan froze, hand partially covering Bryce's face. What kind of question is that? He can't. He can't do that. The show is a rush of adrenaline for the brunette, he can't just give that up now. That, and you get ten thousand dollars each time you survive. That's a lot of money. "I don't want you to get hurt. Or die."

"When would I ever-"

"Ryan, I do watch the show when you go on, you know. Do you really think I don't realise how you come in limping or wincing, bandages around you arms or legs or even around your waist? It's too much of a risk, Ry. I love you. I can't afford to lose you." Ryan sighs, planting a soft kiss to Bryce's forehead.

"Fine. I'll stop."

----- 1 Year Later -----

It was a Friday evening, and Bryce was out the house. He was at an old friends. Ryan didn't mind. Gave him a little time to himself. The brown-eyed male sat down with a can of beer and cracked it open, flicking through the channels. An old title caught his attention. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen, to Dead By Daylight! I'm sure you know the drill by now. Here are our four contestants! Sattelizer, Gorilla, Dracula, and Sark." Four men waved at the camera. "Tonight, they're facing the new killer- The Huntress!" An image of a woman wearing a bunny mask and holding a hachet flashed up on the screen, and Ryan growled.

He wanted to go against her.

"Because of the special occasion, we will have another match tonight! Call the number on screen now to apply for a place!" Ryan picked up him phone and hesitated. He promised Bryce.

But he needed it.

Ryan tapped furiously on the screen and put the device up to his ear. "Hello, welcome to DBD HQ, how can I help you?"

"Hi, it's me. Ohmwrecker?"


Bryce sat in the bar with his friends, laughing, ignoring the show on the TV. It was his kryptonite. He refused to look at it. One of his friends, Adam, placed a hand on Bryce's leg and gave him a look. Bryce furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "Isn't that your boyfriend?" He asked, pointing to the TV. Bryce looked up and his heart sank. He must be seeing unclear. No, it wasn't, was it?

"After a year-long break, the infamous Ohmwrecker is back, ladies and gentlemen! How do you feel?"

"I'm pumped."


"PLEASE! You don't understand! Lady, listen, you must let me in, you must." Bryce pleaded with the receptionist, but she just shook her head. "MY BOYFRIEND IS IN THERE LET ME GO!" He screams, drawing attention, but the lady just calls security. "No, screw you. I'm not going with security." Bryce weaves away through the crowd, away from security, and into the elevator. It's empty. He slams his fist on the 'DBD' button and the doors shut, security just missing him, and Bryce slides down the wall of the metal machine.

They couldn't stop him now.

The elevator doors opened and Bryce hesitated to push himself off the wall. Outside looks scary, but it's the only place he can go. Taking a deep breath, Bryce steps out. "It seems we have a new competitor!" A voice booms throughout the area, causing Bryce to wince. "What is your name?"

"Bryce McQuaid!" He shouts, hoping for the voice to hear.

"Bryce McQuaid! Perfect! Hope you survive! Or die." The voice abruptly stops, and it goes silent. The blonde slowly creeps forward, more afraid than he was when he first came here. Footsteps rapidly approach him and Bryce's eyes widen. He crouches down beside a large barrel, and he sees Ryan appear from the fog. Anger builds up from inside him and he stands, storming over.

"Why the hell are you here?!" Bryce snaps, causing Ryan to jump.

"Bryce, what the- I can ask the same to you! What the fuck?!"

"You promised!"

"I'm fine! Now you're at risk!"

"We're both at risk! You can still die!"

"But I won't! You're inexperienced!"

"Ahem." A sickly sweet voice says, drawing both of their attention to a figure to their left. "Hello boys." The Huntress stands there in all her glory, aiming a hatchet at Ryan's head. The two of them break into a sprint and run in a random direction, hearing three generators finished at once. That's only two more left. Bryce and Ryan split, the Huntress focused on Ryan, and they play the circle game around a tree. He knows it's bad when Ryan hears a grunt of effort, and sees only white, a searing hot pain tearing through his shoulder. He shouts out in pain and trips over a log, the Huntress grabbing him, removing the axe from his shoulder.

Ryan does his best to wiggle, but he's almost immediately put on a hook. That's the first time that's ever happened. He screams out in pain, since he's hooked on the same shoulder that was already damaged, and he doesn't try to struggle. His arm is already bleeding, as well as his shoulder. The Huntress stands in front of him and grazes her axe across his stomach, creating a thin, shallow cut. It stings. "Oh, Mr. Ohmwrecker..." She mumbles, turning at the sound of footsteps.

"Screw off!" The familiar voice of Bryce exclaims as he shines a bright light in her face, throwing the torch at her. She hisses as the glass breaks in her eye, and Bryce gets Ryan down from the hook, helping him limp to a safer area. The bleeding is much heavier now.

When they get somewhere safer, Ryan gets out a roll of bandages from his pocket and takes Bryce's hand, covering the shallow wound. The younger male snatches away the bandages and takes them off. "Are you stupid?" He mumbles, tending to Ryan's much more serious shoulder wound, covering it with layers of bandage.

"I'm sorry." Ryan mumbles, closing his eyes. Bryce just shakes his head and takes away the small amount of remaining bandage, putting it in his pocket. Ryan then leans his forehead against Bryce's and looks longingly into his crystal blue orbs, reminding him of the ocean.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbles, pressing his lips to the younger male's. Bryce kisses back, but it doesn't last long when they hear the exit opening.

When did that happen?

The two males stand up, Ryan leaning slightly against Bryce, and they walk cautiously toward the open exit, hesitating when they see the huntress waiting. A hand touches Bryce's shoulder, and he sees one of his other friends. "Max?"

"You two go. I'll distract her." Before they can stop him, Max runs out into the open, the Huntress throwing an axe at him and downing him in one shot. He groans in pain, letting himself be taken away to a distant hook. Taking the opportunity, Bryce and Ryan left, both of them being granted $10,000.

It was from that day that Ohmwrecker's career boosted again, and Bryce McQuaid's career starting.


Part three? Maybe?

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