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Jeff's P.O.V

I heard the police coming so I just picked up Sunshine bridal style and ran. "After them!" one of the cops said. The others ran after me. "This is only until the final battle." I said, "After that I can kill who I want when I want." I reached a forest and Sunshine woke up. "No offense," I said, "but you're heavier than you look." I tossed her into a tree and ran. Only five of the police followed me. The other ten searched for her. "I never got to say this," I said, "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" I saw Masky near and knew, I'm screwed most likely. I saw Slendy step out from behind a tree. He grabbed me with one of his tendrils and Slender-walked back to the underworld. (You have to imagine what happened to Jeff next! Ha ha ha!)


I got the idea for this chapter yesterday.

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