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3:55 I acctally decided to get out of bed , but to the moans of my family the typical sarcastic comments of ' wow you made it out of bed ' and the forced smile and laugh you put on to try to understand there logic .

Do they acctally understand that you suffer and feel constantly tired , like p*ss off family for once you feel like shouting . But anxiety is a hard hitting thing the fact I don't get to sleep till 5 am some nights . Because your worried about where your acctally going in life ? Or what's the point ? And the lonelyness , the exhaustion of coming up with excuses not to go out and be ' normal ' yeah me too you get to know every feature of your bed room because you spend so much time there .
And your friends think ' your broken ' when your not your just different and you start to develop different interests and starting drifting away from your ' group ' even though you were never really in the group '.

Guys listen to this song I promise you rat boy is everything :)

Guys listen to this song I promise you rat boy is everything :)

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