He's gone

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REV-CHAN again just so you know I'm a terrible writer so my spelling and puntuality might suck sorry o////o                                                                                                      .                                                            __


"Finally were here I can finally crack this code kids look around tell me if you find anything and DONT TOUCH ANYTHING" orders ford me and Mabel both go our different ways looking for clues 


It's been two hours Mabel been playing in the corner and ford is still working on the code , while I look at the pictures to get an understanding of the temple and its purpose 

" kids I have something to tell you " we both look fords way " you know how there are 4 bill well the yellow one our bill now locked in time prison is our earths bill blue bill is on reverse gravity falls and has the opposite personality to our bill , then there's red bill his earth apparently got destroyed by him and white watches over his earth like a god and apparently each bill is trying to get control of all for earths    And here's the best thing this temple stops white and red form entering the only way to let them in is to press a certain button hidden in the temple " said ford with a beaming smile 

After another 10 mins of searching Mabel called " hey a button wonder what it does ....boop " before either me of uncle ford could and Mabel had pressed the button allowing a hole to form out of mid air with this came two triangle shaped figure, I instinctively called out "BILLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!" as soon as I did the would went black and white and all thing stopped moving I was then kicked out of my body and became a pale blue ghost ,only to then be confronted by an upside down white triangle " before you speak child yes I am a bill cipher no I will not destroy your planet and I'm good not evil now a question of my own do you wish to save those you love at a price " said white bill in an English accent 

Before I shook and I asked " what exactly is the deal " much to my surprise white bill laughed " smart one aren't you my boy well no getting past you since I would rather leave this planet alone than have red here destroy it I will sacrifice most of my powers to seal him back on my own however he will only be completely sealed for 4 earth years after which he will be able to Take control of monsters and wreck havoc however he will never be able to show his physical form " white dip one the outstretched his hand and looked at me to move but I asked him one more thing " and what is this 'price' you spoke of"  white then looked pained as if he was now giving the bad news " well you see my boy I will be taking you with me to a special place where you will be givin some of my powers and I will teach you to control and use them and only you and I will know that you are alive" said white Solomley , before any thing else could be spoken I shook his flaming hand and disipeared from the planet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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