~In Shock~ [Chapter 8]

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~In Shock~ [Chapter 8]

            I could see the male nurse that we had in my school was talking to someone but I wasn’t sure who. I’m guessing he was addressing the both of us because he kept glancing at me. He was talking but I didn’t hear anything. I tried to listen but all I kept hearing was something about shock. But I wasn’t electrocuted, was I? The cut on my hand was buzzing and the doctor was holding it. He kept a firm grip as if squeezing it would make it magically heal the wound.

            After a few seconds I realized that the buzzing feeling wasn’t coming from my cut. My whole hand felt weird. And now that I was paying attention my whole arm was too. Even worse it was spreading into my entire body. The buzzing feeling was so intense it was like swimming in a tub of numbing medicine like the one you feel when applying Vics or Blisstex.

            Maybe I was electrocuted. My whole body was buzzing with numbing energy and it almost felt… familiar.

“How…?” my voice cracked. And I realize I had spoken out loud.

Suddenly all the sounds I had been tuning out slammed into my ear drums and I wanted to cover my ears. The problem I had covering the sounds of high school hallways was the nurse was still gripping my palm.

That’s when I realized that there was more than one person that the he had been addressing when he’d said the word shocked. And now they were all staring at me as the noise in the hall started to diminish. Maybe it was just in between classes.

            The room was quiet as I assessed them and they assessed me. I kept going through everyone's face as if hers would manically appear as long as I kept searching. My eyes suddenly focused on the only person who could help me, the only one who believed in… in her. When I finally realized that his face wasn't floating amongst the others concerned looks.

“Where's Rich?” My voice cracked as my eyes finally made contact with his hunched figure on the nurse’s waiting chair. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Which was nothing new I guess. I bet they were all wondering what I wanted with the jerk who just cut my hand in half. What they don't know is that my hand is the least of my concerns. I don't know whether or not Lou is dead or not but right now I need to know what happened to her and the only one who can help me get her back right now is Rich. And although our whole bully/best friend relationship was a win/win for the both of us I didn't care what was best for us. The only thing that meant anything to me right now was getting Louisa back, and that's exactly what I planned on doing.

His head popped up at the sound of his name and he looked at me pleadingly.

 I looked away and back down at my hand. Maybe we could use this. Rich and I could get out of here and start figuring a way to get Louisa back.

Of course in the back of my mind I knew I was being irrational but what was I supposed to do? Ignore it? Rich was staring at me waiting for me. What?! What did he want?

“Lets go somewhere private” he whispered unsuccessfully. A bunch of eyebrows shot up in response to his request. I felt my blood boil at their immature implications.

“No,” I seethed angrily. “Everybody. Get. Out!” The menace in my voice was as loud and clear as if I had yelled out the words. And thankfully the stupid male nurse who had been standing there gaping like an idiot got the message and started kicking everyone out. Why the Hell were they allowed in their with me anyway? It's not like anyone there was there because they cared about me, it's more like they were there to see how much trouble Rich would be in. Which made a lot more sense considering how popular he was.

“Why the hell are you still holding my palm like that?” I said, glaring at the nurse guy. He gave me a stern look as if to say he wasn't gonna let go.

“I'm keeping pressure on the wound, it needs stitches.” He said it like I was being irrational and like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Who cares about that? I'd rather lose my whole arm than lose Louisa!

“He's … Um, talking about his dog.” Rich covered for me and said looking at the nurse. Why would he be covering for me? It's not like I'd said that out loud.

Rich gave me a pointed look and I realized that I had actually said the words out loud. And being a fairly recent addition to the high school staff, Mr. nurse over here didn't know about… well … anything. But at that moment I didn't really care about what the nurse would think.

“So what do I do?” I asked him stupidly, and still he didn't know what I meant. “About my hand!” This guy really wasn't helping my temper.

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