Three Spirits?

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I woke up the next day with a heavy pain in my chest. I couldn’t keep my mind straight; I walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth and ended up putting toothpaste on my comb and combing my hair with it.

“Fuck.” I mutter to myself. I stripped off my PJ pants and entered the cold shower. My mind trailed to the situation at iFly the day before. My heart sunk harder as I realized I could see the sun shining through my bathroom window. It was supposed to be dark when I was getting ready for work. I quickly washed the minty toothpaste out of my hair and dried off and ran into my bedroom, holding my towel around my waist.

“Shit on my dick, dude. I’m fucking late!” I tripped on my towel as I ran to find my jeans and a t-shirt. I had slept in and I ran out of my apartment two hours later than I should have.

I ran a stop sign, went 10miles over the speed limit, and nearly smashed into the gate at the office. I quickly hopped out of my car and scurried into the office room.  Jack and Ray were the only ones in there and I slid my backpack on my chair as I attempted to catch my breath.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Ray chirped. He smiled up at me from his desk. I threw him a weak grin in return.

“Where is Geoff and Gavin?” I questioned as I sat down in my chair.

“Oh, Geoff said that Gavin didn’t want to come today, something about being sad, so Geoff didn’t feel like driving all the way down here without him. I’m sure Gavin is still upset about his Granddad or something.” Jack explained over his shoulder.

Oh. Ok. Now I ruined Gavin’s life. He doesn’t even want to go to work to play video games and get paid. I killed him. I sank in my chair and tried to work.

* * *

Later that day, Jack, Ray, Ryan, and I decided to make a Let’s Play together for Let’s Play Tuesday. I tried to focus on strictly game-play commentary, but Ray had another idea. He, Jack, and Ryan all started talking about Gavin and started imitating his accent and his phrases. I felt my face heat with anger. I know Ray was only doing that because he meant it. Ryan and Jack had no idea what went down between Ray, Steph, Gav and I. I kept my mouth closed for the remainder of the Let’s Play.

 We recorded about 2 hours’ worth of content and decided to stop. Ray left the room to use the bathroom and Ryan and Jack started an uncomfortable conversation.

“So, how are things with Gavin and you?” Ryan asked.

“Uh…” I started to answer but was cut off by Jack.

“Oh yeah! You guys are a thing now, right? Good. That one day Gavin came in before you guys, it was just him and me. He started going on about how much he loved spending time with you, and that time you guys got ice cream and that time…” Jack started to go on and on about Gavin saying all these sweet things about him and I. my mind trailed off and a sickening pain filled my lower abdomen.

I belched loudly, interrupting Jack. “I’m sorry. I suddenly do not feel good…tell Ray I’m heading home.” I snatched my bag and sprinted out of the building. Guilt heated my face and remorse turned my stomach. I sped home in hopes I could run away from my problems.

I arrived home and turned on the TV. I flipped to the channel that puts people to sleep. I needed to calm down and push any bad thoughts out of my head. The TV’s stereo boomed with the sound of an old guy blabbing about lemurs and other wild shit. I place the remote on the table and lounged on the couch. After a few moments of zoning in and out, I realized the old bastard’s voice from the TV had an accent; A British accent.

“Fuck me, dude.” I cursed to myself.  I can’t get him out of my head… I slammed a pillow over my ears and screamed into the seat. I pushed the sound of the TV into the back of my mind and drifted to sleep.

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