Chicken Myrado

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We are a family of big eaters. We love attending feasts and eating delicious food. We also love eating in restaurants. Basically, we just love eating! This recipe was handed down to me by my mother-in-law before she died. She was from Pampanga and if you are a Filipino, you would know that people from Pampanga are well known for their recipes. I tweeked it a bit to make it my own and my kids love it! I'm sure yours too. 

Ingredients: 6-12 serving

12 pcs chicken breasts (If you have a small family, you can reduce the amount of chicken but not the vegetables or seasoning)

3-4 big potatoes, chunked (You can also use unpeeled baby potatoes, sometimes I do)

1 med sized carrot, chunked

1 can green peas

2-3 pcs. green bell pepper, sliced

1 laurel leaf

4 pcs big red tomatoes

1 big onion

4 cloves garlic

1 cup soy sauce

1 tbsp vinegar

pepper to taste

pepper to taste

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How to cook:

Put chicken in a pot. Add the tomatoes, onion, garlic, laurel leaf and soy sauce. Sprinkle with pepper and mix thoroughly. Add 1 tbsp vinegar before putting the lid on pot. Bring to a boil in medium heat. Add potatoes and carrots. Add green peas and bell pepper when potatoes are tender. Constantly stir while boiling. Boil until chicken meat is tender. Ready to serve. 


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