The argument

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I sit here texting my boyfriend, arguing once again.

Him: Why do you always do this Maddi, why!

Me: Do what?! You're starting it not me!!! Jazic you do this to me all the time! I'm sick of it!

Him: Oh you're sick of it? Well guess what, you don't gotta deal with me anymore!

Me: .... What😭

I throw my phone across my room and tears begin strolling down my face. Another argument! When will it end? I can't lose him. I begin to wipe my eyes. I began packing a bag and then I snuck out my window. "He doesn't care, nobody does!" I sob wiping away the tears running down my cheeks. I head to the dog park and it's almost closed. "What are you doing here!" I hear a voice yell. I turn to see Jazic with his German Shepard 'Bernard'. I turn the other way "Leave me alone Jazic!" I hear footsteps running up to me and he grabs my shoulder "Maddi go home now." I begin to tear up and pull away. He grabs my hand. "I will never speak to you again it you don't go home." I walk the opposite way from my house and I hear him walking away slowly and hear soft sobbing. I felt bad but it felt like he didn't care anyway.

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