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George and Ringo went back into the studio. When they entered, Paul wasn't there anymore but John was still there. He was picking and strumming randomly at the strings of his guitar.
"Where's Paul?" George asked.
"He went out already. He used the back door," John answered, still fidgeting on his guitar.
George cursed under his breath and went out through the back door. 
"Wait!" Just as Ringo called out for George, George was already gone.

George looked for Paul high and low but he couldn't find him anywhere.
"He must be home," George thought and dashed to Paul's house.
When George arrived, he froze. There was a black Lamborghini parked in front of the house. The car didn't look familiar at all but what caused his stomach to drop was when two men in all black with masks on got out of the car. It was the men that broke into his house.
They went to the door and tried to pick the lock.
George hid behind a bush and dialed Paul's number. He thought Paul wouldn't pick up but luckily, he did.
"Hello? George?" Paul's voice was shaky. It sounded like he just cried but at the same time, it sounded relieved.
"Paul, I want you to get out of the house, now," George ordered.
"I want you to jump down from the balcony," George continued.
"What?! Are you out of your mind?!"
"No! Just do as I say!"
"You're gonna get myself killed!" Paul exclaimed.
George took a peek at the front door. His eyes widen when he saw the door opened. He quickly went below the balcony of Paul's room.
"Get out, NOW!" George yelled through the phone.
"Fuck!-" Paul froze for a while. "George, what the fuck is going on?"
"What? What's happening there?" George asked.
"I could hear footste-"
"GET THE FUCKING HELL OUT! I'LL CATCH YOU!" George yelled again.

Without hesitating, Paul went to the balcony and jumped down, crashing on George.
Even though they were in pain, they still managed to get up.
"Let's get out of here," George said.
They looked up to the balcony and saw one of the men.
George grabbed Paul's hand and ran.
Not looking back, the both of them sprinted back to the studio without any converstion.

John and Ringo were having small talks until they heard Paul and George bursting into the studio and slamming the door, which caused them to flinch.
"What the bloody hell is up with you two?" Ringo asked.
"Oh, they probably just came back from an orgy," John chuckled.
"This is not time for jokes, John," Paul tiredly huffed.
"Well then, what's up with the two of you?" John asked.
"Some maniacs broke into my house and luckily, George saw them and gave me a ring," Paul explained.
"And it's not the paparazzi this time," George added.
"Wait, so that means you lead those fuckers to-"


John and the others paused when they heard the sound of a car pulling up.
George and Paul instantly turned pale.They knew that it was 'them'.
"Oh God, don't tell me that's them," Ringo panicked.
"It better not be," John said as the four of them took a peek out the window from the curtains.
Their stomachs dropped. There they saw it, two men steeping out from a black Lamborghini.

"Great, what are we gonna do now?"

Sorry, this one's quite short 😢
But don't worry, there's more to come! Thanks for the votes and reads, I'm very surprised some people actually like this story and probably, attached to it😂
Stay tuned for more 💖

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