Pretty face

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"You're not as smart as me," Mj said with his eyes shut, walking on the sidewalk with his best friend Sanha following.

They always hang out and do stupid things, and always have fun but this topic of discussion was sure to keep things interesting.

Sanha stirred his face and shook his head. "I'm on top of all my classes," He argued, nudging the shorter one. "And I think I'm good at school."

"The only reason for that is that I don't try," The oldest then replied, grinning slyly and turning around to face him.

"But if I did you would stand no match to me."

After hearing this Sanha rolled his eyes and sighed deciding to just let Mj have his way.

They continued with their meaningless conversations about nothing as they walked back to Sanha's apartment.

As a studying student, it was important Sanha didn't stay out late- he was very focused on his grades.

He was always very proud about it and silently praised himself for the good grades he received for working hard.

He was sure to study extremely hard for exams soon, but he was in a hurry to get home today.

But Mj suddenly stopped walking, making Sanha crash into his back with his stupidly long limps.

Something he never liked about himself but he couldn't help it anyways.

"Ahh hyung? Don't stop in the middle of walking like that.." Sanha whined but paused to look at what Mj's attention was on.

He saw the small coffee shop that was decorated with light colors and had a welcoming mist coming from it. From the outside he could see it was somewhat like a café, with service.

Mj grinned upon seeing it, because he was always a sucker when it comes to iced coffee, and with the sticky whether it really appealed to him.

However it didn't to Sanha.

"No, no, you know I hate coffee!" Sanha tried to drag Mj the other way by the arm, but yet he stood no match after all.

"C'mon, just take me home!" He continued to protest but Mj turned around.

"Pleaseee? Just one drink? I heard it's good here!" Mj begged. "Plus you owe me for letting you use my notes last week when you were sick."

He had a point but it really wasn't Sanha's fault that he was hit with such a random cold in the middle of the week. He remembered how awful the notes were to begin with.

He grumbled and rolled his eyes again. "Fine. But just hurry up because I have to get home." He sighed and Mj's expression went bright.

"Ayee!" He grabbed Sanha by the arm and dragged him into the store.

The little bell that was tied to the top of the door created a sound as they walked in, sighing from the nice warm air that greeted them.

And Sanha will admit the smell of the place was absolutely amazing. As they looked around at the simple, yet very cozy, shop they heard a voice speak to them.

"Feel welcome to hang your coats there." A ginger boy working pointed to the rack to which Mj smiled gratefully, before looking at Sanha with a face of surprise at the already nice service.

He nudged the younger one, trying to prove that coming here was a already nice idea.

However Sanha just rolled his eyes but kept on his hoodie- too bothered to take it off. "Be careful hyung, make sure you can reach it." He teased as Mj hung up his jacket.

Pretty face (sanwoo)Where stories live. Discover now