Pretty face (extra??)

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Sanha ran fast down the sidewalk, almost tripping multiple times.

It had became a constant to visit the café, with Mj occasionally so he could visit Jinjin too, but Sanha mostly went by himself for the past month.

Every day after school Sanha would immediately walk to the café, hang up his bag on the rack, and wait for Eunwoo.

Eunwoo had always gotten there first because Sanha always stayed an extra hour to study. But even so he always thought of Eunwoo.

Sanha had finally made it to the building and sat down excitedly at the table he always sits at, kicking his feet.

He decided to wait for Eunwoo to come from the back room.

Today was one of his days off, so Sanha could talk to him as long as he wanted.

Sanha's thoughts were interrupted by a beep from his phone.

He opened the message and his face scrunched up at the sight of Mj kissing Jinjin.

A few weeks ago they ended up confessing to each other and ever since then, they've been all touchy.

And Mj felt the need to send Sanha all the pictures of them holding hands and being in love just to tease.

However, tonight would be another movie night with Eunwoo and him, and of course Jinin and Mj were going to be there.

Sanha rolled his eyes and typed a reply. 'Stop kissing and hurry over here, hyung.'

He put his phone down and suddenly felt something move on the table. He looked up and Eunwoo put a hot chocolate in front of him.

"Hi!" Sanha smiled bubbly making Eunwoo smile too.

"Hello," He sat in the seat opposite of Sanha with a drink for himself too.

"How was your day?" Sanha asked, dragging out the last word.

"It's been good, are you excited for movie night?" Sanha nodded and giggled.

"What move are we watching?" Sanha asked, kicking his feet and biting on down on the straw.

Eunwoo paused to think. "I have no idea, maybe Mj and Jinjin have something picked out already."

Sanha nodded and smiled, drinking even more of the warm hot chocolate.

"Speaking of them, how are they?" Sanha stopped in his tracks to unlocked his phone to show Eunwoo the picture making him almost burst into laughter.

"I would say very good," Sanha rolled his eyes playfully and then deleted the picture, hoping it would delete it from his memory.

The two started talking with each other and gradually the conversations kept on changing. Not that either of them minded.

Soon they heard a shout saying "I am here!" And saw it was Mj holding Jinjin's hand.

"Hi." Eunwoo said and motioned them to join. Jinjin sat on Sanha's left side and Mj sat on Eunwoo's right side so the two could sit in front of each other.

"So are you guys ready?" Jinjin asked.

"Mhm!" Sanha happily said, sounding even more excited than before.

"What movie?" Jinjin was next to speak.

"We haven't decided." Sanha motioned to Eunwoo. "Did you guys have ideas?"

"Mm.." Sanha knew that having Mj pick would've been a terrible idea, but of course he already had a movie planned. "I have one but I won't show you until I play it." He simply said, holding Jinjin's hand again.

Pretty face (sanwoo)Where stories live. Discover now