Something's wrong

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        I sat on his bed and layed down, it was so soft and comfy. Tony said "Do you want something to eat? I have to tell you something and it'll be long!", I nodded and he said "Here, have some pizzer. This will be the best thing you can eat here.". I laughed and thought of things they ate. I told Tony "Hey we should all go and get Icecream, it's nice out and Icecream is just $1.", I pitched the idea and Tony looked at me like I just said for us to kill someone. He looked at me and said "Well, you should just ask Paige about that.", he was refrecing te girl who wore the white dress, and had the colored hair. I said "Ok! I will!", I walked out and yelled Paige. Everyone turned towards me and watched as my eyes scanned the room like a robot. Paige then came out of the kitchen and said "Yes?". I looked at her and said "Look, I was wondering if me, you and the others could go for Icecream?". Before Paige could say anything I told her "I will pay for everything!!". As soon I said this the blue haired boy the red head guy and the green haired guy looked at me in excitment, almost like they never been outsied. Paige turned around and gave them a unnice look. They looked at her and let their head fall. I have had enough of this! She looked at me and I looked at her with a ugly grin on my face I breathed in then said "YO! ANYONE WHO WANTS ICECREAM AND WANTS TO GO OUTSIDE GET READY WE'RE ABOUT TO GO!!". Paige looked at me in disugsted and disbelife. She said "NO, no one is going anywhere!". She grabbed my arm and brought me closer, in fear I put my hand on her face and pushed her away ! Tony in the hallway tried not to laugh but couldn't keep it in. 

      After about 10 minutes of Paige trying to stop everybody but me telling them it was ok, they we're all ready and met me by the door. I did a head count, I started to count with Tony. "1,2,3,4,5,6.... is that everybody?". They nodded, and we headed out. I remebered I didn't have a car or any vehicle, so I told them we would be walking. They we're fine with it as they looked around. I watched them they looked like they have never been outside. I went to the green haired male and said "Hey, what's your name?", he looked at me and said "Oh my name is Robin, nice to meet you! What's your?" I smiled and said "My name is Avery!". I was about to ask him if they have ever been outside before, but then I noticed his pretty blue eye. I stared at them for a good 10 seconds then quickly turned my head to the other way. My faced flushed and I went back. He was my age so it was worse. I walked up to the red head guy and said "Hey, your name?", he looked at me and said "My name is Harry. Yours?". I looked at him and said "Avrey, so um uh,.......Listen I was worried that why I came out to take you here. Also have you guys ever been, ........ out?". He looked at me and said "Look, we not really suposed to be out here. Paige says that we could get hurt or someone could steal us again.". I looked at him "Again?". He chuckled and pushed his hair back and there was an empty whole all bruised where an eye was supposed to be. My eyes grew wide "What happen?!". His smiled faded and said "You know the show's you saw?". I nodded, he looked at me "Well, you see someone stole me, Robin, Doi, and Paige. He cut off my ear and Robin's eye was cut out, and Harry finger was cut off as well. The man used it to get money or else he would kill us. Tony saved enough money up and more within 20 day." After we got home Tony helped grow my hair longer to hide my ear. He bought Robin a robot eye, but helped him grow hair to cover it, Robin doesn't really like it. Then he somehow stictched Manny's finger back on. That's why he has a stitch mark on it.". I looked at Robin, Manny, and sighed "Look, even though that's bad staying in and hiding yourslef is bad as well.". 

      I didn't know it because I was talking to Harry about going outside, but I walked out into the road, Tony and Robni both saw a car coming and grabed me. I fell back hitting my head on the curb. Eveything blacked out with a car honk and everyone crowding around me saying "OMG!!". I woke up and I was in a bed with a bright light shining down on me. I slightly open my eyes and growned. Tony Harry and Robin pushed the doctor out of the way. They looked at me squishing my face hugging me and saying "OMG Avery, are you ok!". Tony hugged me and Robin kept his eyes on me squishing me asking about a thousand question at a minute. I got up and walked out of the room, the doctor backed up and told me to come back. I didn't feel like talking, I didn't feel like going back. My head was running and my stomach was dizzy. I held my stomach and put my hand on my head. Harry came over stoped me and looked me in the eyes. He showed me too mirror, my eyes were dull and grey not green at all, my face was dull with no expression what so ever. I took this into note and said "I promised you guys Icecream and we are gonna go get some. I put money on the counter for the treatment and walked out the door. Harry shrugged and walked with me everyone kept asking and saying that I wasn't myself, and I lost me personality. I ignored them, it would come back as soon as I saw Paige. I bought them Icecream the all got something that looked nice and extra, but I just got plain white icecream. Tony sat by me and said "Are you ok?". I licked my icecream and said in such monotone "Yes.". He looked at me and watched my every move. I ate half of my icecream and threw the rest away. Usually I would eat it all, but I didn't want to eat it. I walked them back home and said bye. "Robin came up and kissed me. ony watched no emotion was shone, but on the inside my head was doing flipps, and screeming. 

      I walked back home and in he dark I saw notepages fly by, I watched as they passed by in the moon. When I walked in the house, mom was asleep, and so was Jaxon. I went to bed and dreampt about Robin kissing me. I woke up and my mom was asking what happen to me. She looked at me and asked "Are you stoned?!!". I got up and said in monotone "No.". She shook her head and said "What's today?", I looked at her and said "It's Augest 3rd, Thrusday.". She nodded and left. I got up grabed my bag and left the house. I walked towards a resturant, but my stomach was the same if I ate ot not. I then made my way to DHMIS house, and watched the world around me.  It was quiet and I was thinking to myself and watching the road. I still didn't know that litte kid blue hair, and the guy with the big square glasses. I also didn't know the boy and girl in the kitchen. I saw the house and walked a little faster. I knocked on the door, and Harry opened it, he studied and smiled. He motioned Tony to come over, he looked at me and sighed "Listen, I have bad news for you.". He brought me into the house, and sat me down in a chair. It was uncomfortable, but with my emotionless face I was fine, I didn't mind. Tony told me "Look, when in the process of you hitting your head, your were supposed to die. Blood fell everywhere. I went back in time to bring you back to life, but I guess that in the process of bringing you back to life, I might have you know put all of our thoughts and feeling in to your own body.", he waited for my response I answered "Ok?". He looked at me with a confused look but then remebered what he just said. 

     He then tested to make sure that theory was true. "What's your idea on TIME?", I said "Well, time is important, and it helps alot.". He looked at me and sighed Paige said "What's your thought's on creativity.", I looked at her and said bluntly "It's nice and proably the best thing, except the color green, green is the worst.". I looked at Paige she was smiling in a creppy way and Robin looked at me and jokingly cried. The others came up asking me question and answered them to the way they thought of it. The blue headed kid asked what I thought of his clown poster, I told him it was very creative but then Paige asked me what I thought of it and I told her that it was too creative. This went on for a good 5 minutes, but then a man came out. Everyone saw him and backed up, he looked at me and was breathing heavily. We both looked at each other, and just did that. His eyes were also grey and black. He grabed my hand without saying a word, I didn't say a word either. As we approched a room, that looked very dull at the end of the hallway, I looked at him more closly. His hair was fading and was going away, little bit stand on his head. He wore a brown overal like the blue hair boy. He had a long nose, and a blank face. I looked back at Tony he was shaking and fear was in his eyes. I made into his room, he grabed some paper and started to write. He then showed me it said "Hi, I'm Roy. Doi's father, I don't talk. Doi said that you were nice and bought icecream for them. He was the one with blue hair and is the best little kid. I don't have custody of him, but I stay by him to make sure nothing happens. I trust that you will, take care of him. Can you do that, take care of him, I don't trust Harry, or Robin. I don't even trust those other people out there. You would have your own room, and you would stay here. I know you would have to drop your life behind, but Doi needs somebody. Thoes people are friends not family, and we would give you full custody, it's just no one wants to take care of him. I can give your old feeling back, but it would take about a month. So what do you say?". I sat there thinking about my family, I could say I was going to college my mom always wanted me too go, and the college I liked actually let me go at age 17. I nodded and he smiled. He opened the door, but before I left he said to me in a very scratchy, deep voice "Something's wrong, but Thankyou!. 

Hug me I'm scared (DHMIS aftermath)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora