3. Final Goodbyes!

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"Thanks." That's all he said before tightening hold on the steering wheel and stepping on the gas and driving off.

" That's all he said before tightening hold on the steering wheel and stepping on the gas and driving off

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"So, what happened?" He looked my way, breaking the long silence, five minutes to be exact. "How did you end up like....this?" It took him a while to say 'this', after trying to come up with an appropriate replacement but settled with that very word, meanwhile, I watched him baffled holding back the urge to scratch my back.

And then it struck me what he actually meant but my conscious spoke cutting off my obvious reply.

Don't you dare open your mouth!

What? Why?

Did you forget why that taxi driver dumped you?

That's unforgettable!!! Jerk.

What if you told him the truth and he did the same?

No. He won't. He looks decent.

Well, looks may be deceiving. His words.

I swallowed hard and swigged the truth down my throat, earlier clung to the tip of my tongue. "Ummm...It's a long story." I shifted on the seat with an anxious feeling growing in my stomach, happens whenever I lie.

"Did you say story? I wanna know the story." The little boy's sudden voice startled me but relaxed me simultaneously. I looked back only to see a pair of eyeballs popping with surprise, out of his tiny eyes.

"Zac! No. Don't--" his Daddy warned but I cut him off.

"No. It's fine. I know a very good story." I smiled convincing him and he glanced my way in disagreement yet I continued, "Do you wanna hear Zac?"

"YES!!!" He squealed.

"Look. You don't have to. It's real----" he said, focusing on the road and hands on the steering but I cut him off for the third time since we met.

"Don't worry. It's a long way ahead. One story won't hurt and to be true, I owe you. So, let me do this?" It came out as a question. His eyes rolled my way for a second and then back on the road.

He sighed heavily, "Alright. Go ahead." A squeal almost left my lips but Zac beat me and whooped in delight.

"Are you ready Zac?" I turned back a little to see his priceless expressions.

"Super Ready!" He shrieked at the pitch of his voice and I chuckled.

"So, once upon a time, there was a Fox...." I continued.

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"Here comes your stop!"

David's husky voice rang past my ears waking me from an unintended sleep. While squinting and squeezing my worn out eyes, a bright light beamed all of a sudden making me blind.

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