Part 1

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My name is Leontine Briny and I live with my mother, Jen, and brother, Benny. I never moved before. This is my first time ever moving and I am not impressed. We moved out in the middle of nowhere, with lots of open space, and fat ugly black and white cow grazing around. It was miles of open space with trees here and there and not a neighbor in sight. The house I'm moving into isn't really a house but a barn. It looks just like one except the door is smaller and there is windows like a normal house with curtains. The red had faded and looks like a dirty brown red and it has wrinkles that resemble crakes that are running up and down the ho-barn. Mother already had everything put up the way it should be so all I had to do was go inside. I thought about keeping quiet but instead I did the latter.

"Mother you do realize were living in an old, nasty looking, barn." I said with disdain. Mother turned to look at me but before she could say anything Benny runs into the house banging the door with his hast to get inside. She took off after him telling him to be careful and not to run. I didn't blame her though this place could fall to the ground any minute. I walked forward afraid to even step in the place, afraid it might even collapse with the slightest pressure. Yet since I'm what you would not call a dare devil I tip-toed in.

"Leo guess what you get the creepy room that doesn't even have a wall and your room has a door to the creepiest attic I've ever seen. I asked mother if she would let me have it instead but she said no." Benny say with a touch of disappointment in his voice.

"Mother you didn't?" I asked in disbelief. I looked at her in horror. "I have to change, you know and I will not do that when anyone could see me! What happened if I fall off? What happens if I invite a friend over and she falls off? What if..." I said yet she cut me off.

"Look Leo you or the only one in our family who isn't so clumsy she would kill herself tripping over a rock. It's not safe for Benny or anyone of us but it's either this or your sharing a room with Benny. I'm working on getting it fixed, okay? So, please just give me a break!" she says slightly angered. She walks away, maybe to her room and Benny has already disappeared so, I sighed and went to go find my room as well.

Well "my room" is put the way I like it, with my bed against the wall next to my bookshelf, and a few feet away my dresser sits, as well with my long mirror. I walk towards my mirror and look at myself. I have long blond hair that falls to my lower back, baby blue eyes, fair tan skin, average height and weight for a 19 year old girl. I look just like my father yet I'm the girl version. My mother and Benny look alike with their dark thick wavy red hair, green eyes, and fair pale skin. Mother has the same height and weight as me and her hair is just as long as mine. Benny is pretty short for a 10 year old and he has short hair that fall to his ears.

I always wondered if mother got sad every time she looked at me because I resembled my father. My father died 4 years after Benny was born. He died in a drunk driving accident. Some drunk dude was driving on the wrong side of the rode and my father swerved to miss them and ended up in the bottom of the river. It's still painful to think about. I remember the night the cops came to tell us what happened.

Creek. I jump startled from my thoughts. I look around my room trying to find the source to the noise. Creek. Thump. I jumped again watching as dust fell from the ceiling. I looked up and saw an old attic door. Should I look to see what's making that noise? Um...well it would be interesting. Instinct takes over and I pull on the string leading to the attic. The door opens and a rope latter falls down. I climb up the latter and look in the attic. It's really dust and spider infested. I don't see anything that could have made that noise it's pretty empty all that's in her is a few chests and boxes. A gust of wind suddenly blows across the attic getting dust in my eyes. I climb down and rub out as much dust as I can. I go to the bathroom down stairs and to wash anything I couldn't get out. Once I had thoroughly washed my eyes out I looked up. A black outline of a person showed up in the bathroom mirror. Quickly I turned around but whatever I saw wasn't there anymore. My heart was beating franticly as I tried to calm myself. Whatever I saw wasn't real. It just couldn't be. Our new home couldn't be haunted. That night when I went to sleep I had the strangest dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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