The beginning of Barry

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Barry Bubbles lay still as porcelain on the shaggy carpet under the metal bedframe; this was his life. Laying in wait until he was brought out for whatever purpose, hoping people would see through his harsh, unsettling exterior to see that he was just a simpleton Cobbler with a kind heart. 

Barry's ears pricked as he heard the ping of the record button possibly signalling his temporary freedom from the dark cavern amidst boxes of old memories that resided under the bed.

"Hi guys so today I thought I'd do a little livestream to answer some of your questions" spoke an enthusiastic voice from across the small room.

The voice came from Barry's owner; a 16 year old amateur Youtube musician who went by the name of Sings'N'Things. She was a fairly simple girl although was kind to Barry, he would always remember how she uttered many heartfelt thanks when she received him as a gift. If Barry was honest, he was sure she would cringe in discomfort at his unnerving appearance like those before her but she did not.

The minutes went by as Barry listened intently to the questions being asked by her friends and subscribers, smiling at the goofy jokes and responses. It was then he heard the mention of him.

"Fun fact, my friend gave me this cool creepy clown and it's under my bed"

Barry was slightly hurt at hearing himself described as 'creepy', surely he had other redeeming qualities? For one he was a master Cobbler and he was also known for his style.

"I'll go get him now"

Although Barry was created without a heart, he was sure that if he had one, it would be pounding out of his cold chest. Was this it? would he finally be seen by the world (All of 25 people) Barry brushed the dust off of his blue overalls and quickly polished his green shoes before lying perfectly still in wait.

Light poured in and a hand with a chipped gold manicure grasped his midriff and yanked him out of the darkness. The sudden light stung his eyes but he dared not blink for that would give him away.

Eagerly, he was brought to face the camera only to see his own reflection, it startled him although he felt oddly proud at his primping attempts.

"Oh my gosh he's so creepy"

"Ahh I'm terrified of clowns"

"Wow that's so weird"

Invisible tears pricked his eyes at these comments, he wanted nothing more than to be accepted and this is what he got; hatred for his cold exterior which he could not help.

The girl (Sings'N'Things)'s grip tightened on Barry almost in a protective manner.

"Noo guys, he's nice really. He's a Cobbler" She assured

Barry felt happy at this as his achievements had been recognised and broadcasted.

Just like that, people became more positive towards him, uttering polite compliments towards his fashion forward  outfit paired with his large green shoes.

After more questions were answered and chuckles were emitted, there was mention of something or rather someone, that confused Barry.

"Also I got this little gooey alien things because it reminded me of my childhood"

Who was this 'Alien' perhaps a childhood friend? A family member? 

Barry had never heard of anyone else living in the room other than occasional visits from the girl's sister and boyfriend, so he was very dubious to hear of this new being.

An orange egg shaped capsule was clutched in the girl's remaining hand which she then broke open to reveal a goo like substance. It smelled slightly sweet but also of chemicals. Barry was intrigued.

The girl known as Sings'N'Things , Who Barry discovered was named Hannah, fiddled with the goo producing a sloshing, squelching noise that made him cringe and began to reveal a figure.

The goo kept falling away and Barry's eyes glistened with excitement and interest. It revealed the most beautiful being Barry had ever witnessed, his imaginary breath caught in his throat at the sheer amazement and awe. It had to be an angel; Barry thought.

"This is Anton"

(End of chapter one)

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