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Yoongi's hands were shaking as he made his way to the room he was told to find Hoseok in. His throat was dry and he somehow felt hot and cold at the same time. What if Taehyung had been right? What if it actually was a bad idea to visit the younger? Yoongi shook his head before he could doubt his decision any further. He had been thinking about this all night and came to the conclusion that he had to see Hoseok, no matter what. He had to see he was alive. If he didn't, Yoongi could not have lived his life without being worried constantly.
The door knob felt ice cold in contrast to his hot, sweaty hands and he had to take a few deep breaths to keep himself from collapsing. With his other hand, now clenched into a fist, he knocked on the door timidly. He caught his breath and his heart was beating rapidly in his chest as he waited for an answer - which came not long after: a weak 'come in'. Trembling, he opened the door carefully, a bit at first, glancing inside the room. His eyes met Hoseok's and Yoongi almost flinched in shock when he saw the bandage on his head. The other didn't say anything when he finally entered the room fully and closed the door. He didn't say anything when Yoongi slowly went closer to him. He still didn't say anything when Yoongi stood right in front of the bed, looking over the injured man with an expression of guilt and pain on his pale face - he just looked at him, partly curious, partly confused.
"Hoseok! How are you feeling?" he asked, looking truly concerned.
"Well, everything hurts, but... I'm alive, so that means I'm alright, doesn't it?" He let out a chuckle, but there was something about the way he looked at Yoongi that made the other feel uncomfortable. "God, I have missed you so much... I am so -" Hoseok attempted to raise his hand, making him stop talking.
Yoongi waited for him to speak, excitement and relief eventually taking up the space in his mind where worries and fear used to torture him, making them shrink with every second passing by. He took this time to look at the younger closely, and even though there were several scratches on his face and bruises all over him, Yoongi still thought Hoseok was breathtakingly beautiful. A smile spread on his lips - he just couldn't help it.
But, despite Yoongi being a very realistic and practically thinking person, always considering every possible outcome to a situation so he wouldn't be disappointed in the end, there had been no way he could have prepared himself for the pain he would feel when Hoseok finally spoke. He had not thought his heart could fall and break from just a sentence, and that tears would well up in his eyes while he was with Hoseok - his sunshine, which he had learned to love in such a short amount of time. It felt as if a hole had gaped right underneath him from out of nowhere, and he was falling endlessly, the piercing, ice cold wind taking his breath away.
Desperation. Pain. Sorrow.

"I am sorry, but I don't know you."


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