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Authors note
The girl on the cover is Bonnie Jayla Potter.

July 24th 1995 was the day that broke me, not much can brake a Potter but when the person who you are soul bound to dies you brake.

May 2nd 1998 I lost a best friend, and Family all apart from my little brother

May 2nd 2008 I was given the chance to regain all that but not my true parents

To go back and save all that

Well correct that Me, Ila, Harry, Ginny, Ronald, Neville, Luna and Hermione had to go back to save our world

Let me tell you

We as unspeakables got called out to Stonehenge, the most magical site in the UK.

Stonehenge is made out of summoned marble hit by the worst spells in history. Hence no longer looks like marble. Made to withstand a bombing with it being hit 50 times.

But here's the catch only a Peverell descendant with three people can get inside it. So I and my team went to investigate.

When we got there we were transported to a room with runes all meaning time, rebirth, chance and Bond.

A Loud Voice said " All eight may have a chance to save those who they love once and for all you must defeat the fool who threatened you by Harry James Potter 's 4th Year ends. Good Luck "

Then we were span though time with a BANG

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