The Pool

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(y/n)'s POV

After the signing, Sean and I headed out a back exit where Felix and Marzia were waiting. 

"You guys need a ride right?" I asked. They nodded considering I knew how to drive in the US. 

"So you are the girl Sean has been talking about so much." Marzia said extending her hand for me to shake. 

"Oh he talks about me?" I asked looking back at a blushing Sean, shaking her hand. 

"Yup so nice to finally meet you (y/n)." she responded turning to head to my car. I programmed the GPS to the restaurant we were going to and turned on the radio. As I drove along, I quietly sang along to All of Me by John Legend while Marzia and Felix talked. 

"I didn't know you could sing (y/n)." Sean said looking at me. 

I blushed, "uh...thanks. I'm a big John Legend fan." It fell silent.

"You can keep singing, I quite like it." Sean said awkwardly. I nodded keeping my attention to the road as the song ended playing Attention by Charlie Puth. 

*Cough* "(s/n)" *Cough* Felix commented and Marzia lightly smacked him. I laughed as we pulled up to the restaurant where Mark stood waiting. I began gently humming as I turned off the car and we walked up to Mark.

After the nice dinner, Sean and I walked back to the rental car alone. Felix and Marzia's hotel was closer to Mark's so he was driving them. Sean and I shared a hotel room which could be weird if we let it, but we were just friends. Right? I debated about putting on the radio, but Sean beat me too it grinning. I rolled my eyes. I let out a sigh of relief when a song I didn't know too well came on so I wouldn't worry about singing. But that doesn't include humming ;). 

"So...Jack, how was the first day of vidcon?" I asked putting the stress on Jack considering I never really call him that. 

"Awesome, even more with you." he commented. I smiled. 

"I am pretty awesome." I joked. 

"So humble."he said sarcastically and I laughed. 

"Oh yeah this is my frickin JAM!" I screamed as Stay came on over the radio. I danced ridiculously in my seat, lip sincing like a pro. Sean laughed. "DUDE try it it's LITFAM!" I screeched, laughing. the beat began to drop and we were both dancing around like idiots in the car. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY JAM!" I yelled as the song ended. I pulled the car into the parking lot, smiling at Sean. 

"You are awesome." He said smiling. I felt yet another blush form on my face as we headed up to our room.

Time to test the waters. 

"So uh Sean, What happened back there with the whole Mark carrying me? You got a little upset." I said as I sat down on one of the two beds. 

"uh...I just um thought you were unhappy and really didn't want him carrying you. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were joking around." he explained I didn't quite believe that was the whole reason but he obviously doesn't want to tell me so I'll let it go. 

"um ok, thanks. Do you want to go down to the hotel pool?" I asked. It was only like 7 pm. 

"Yeah that sounds AWESOME!" He shouted. 

"Shhh, there are other people here ya ding dong." I said chuckling. 

"NEVER!" he laughed. We both changed and I put on a cover up. We made it to the pool and I pulled off my cover up putting my hair up. I turned to see he was staring. 

"What?" I asked looking down at my bikini. 2 skinny straps at my hips connecting fabric, triangle top with skinny straps around the neck and back and 2 across my chest. "Oh..." I said. Probably a revealing bikini wasn't a great choice. 

"No you just um... look really good." I blushed. "Thanks". We headed over to the water where a small child with her father were swimming. I sat on the edge of the pool gingerly placing my feet in the water. 

"Holy crap! It's so freaking cold!" I shouted over to Sean. 

"Aw ya baby!" he yelled back jumping in, splashing me. 

"You jerk!" I yelled laughing and jumping in to push him. After calming down, I was just near the edge of the party watching Sean swim laps. 

"Yo girl, are you a parking ticket cos' you got fine written all over you." I cringed and turned to see 3 teenage boys next to me. They must have just come in. 

"Oh my god, did you actually think I would find that cool?!" I said laughing. 

"Your lookin' real bangin' in that bikini." one of the others said unfazed by what I said. 

"Ew... go away." I said. I was drawing a blank on a good insult to throw back. 

"How does coming back to our hotel room sound?" the third asked. I gagged...literally. 

"Oh my god... I would rather not want to throw up." I said. 

"Do we have a problem here?" Sean asked swimming up behind me. 

"Yo we are just trying to get this chick to come back to our room with us, we don't need help." the first one said obviously thinking Sean was on his side. 

"You mean my girlfriend?" Sean said wrapping his arm around my waist. 

Oh he's going this route. 

"Yeah right old man, nice hair by the way, what did you use to dye it, snot?" he said his little posse laughing. 

"Nice face, what did you use a hammer?" Sean shot back and I laughed. The boy scoffed, 

"No way you are with this hot chick, prove it." Sean sat with nothing to retaliate. 

"Oh yeah?" I said. He nodded and I pulled Sean in by the jaw. My lips locked with his soft but deep. His hands found my neck and we kissed for a couple seconds. I pulled away smirking at the boys as they swam away. I turned to Sean who looked shocked. 

"Sorry, it was all I got." I said. 

"No, no... I didn't mind." he said smirking at me. 

I blushed and we dried off returning to our room.

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