Chap 20 "Finally Over"

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Morgan's POV
"Baby girl," I walked into the house Alee walked into.
"No," the guy replied. "Boston's my home."
"Mr. Foyet, this is Agent Derek Morgan," Alee replied. "No need to be alarmed." Alee looked at me. "Not now, Morgan." She looked back at George. "We can guarantee your safety."
"No," George replied. "It's the one thing I promised I would never let him take from me."
"Then we'll protect you here," Alee nodded.
"You can't protect me," George nodded. "Nobody can." He started writing something down. "Please be careful with this. Please."
"It's safe with us," Rossi nodded. He handed it back to Rossi. "It's safe."
"He's just a man," Alee assured George. "Nothing more."
"Then why can't you catch him?" George asked.
"We will," Alee replied.
"Thank you for your time," Rossi sighed. We walked outside. "Let's recon?"
"Yeah," Alee sighed. "Morgan, I'm riding with you." Alee got into the SUV with me and I started driving. "How'd you find me?"
"You're my wife," I replied. "Your GPS is on, by the way. I think you forgot to turn it off."
"Dammit," Alee sighed as she got out her phone. She turned it off. We got to the office. Roy stopped us. "Roy."
"Hey, uh, this was dropped off at my office," Roy replied as he handed me a manilla envelope. It looked like the same letter Shaunessy received. "Explain?"
"I'll get this to the lab," Rossi replied as he walked inside with it.
"Are you going to run the story, Roy?" Alee asked.
"If I don't, he'll just five it to somebody else," Roy nodded.
"Maybe, maybe not," Alee looked at him. "To him, you're special. He wants you to know why he stopped."
"What do you mean?" Roy asked.
"You wrote his biography, Roy," Alee replied. "Believe me, over the last ten years, he's read those words thousands of times. Your book has sustained him." Roy looked at us. "In his mind, nobody knows him better than you do. Nobody cares for him like you." She looked at Roy. "You remember what it was like her ten years ago on the street? The fear?" Roy looked at her. "And that's when people trusted the police. Not this time. Not if you tell them about Shaunessy. But it's a hell of a story. Run with it."
"Do you have any idea what you're asking me to do?" Roy asked.
"I'm not asking you to do anything," Alee nodded.
"This is the biggest story of my life," Roy replied. "It's mine. It's an exclusive."
"Debrief me?" I asked.
"I will," Alee nodded.
"Thanks," I sighed. I walked inside and sat down. A few minutes later Alee walked in. "Hey."
"Take me to the hotel," Alee sighed.
"Okay," I nodded. We went to the hotel. I laid on the bed as Alee went through the files. The phone rang. "You want me to get that?"
"I got it," Alee sighed. She picked up. "Hotchner." She looked at me. "Who is this?" She was serious. "You think I'd take that?" I sat up, alert this time. "I'ev misjudged you. I thought you were smarter than this." Alee looked at me. "And you've misjudged me. I don't make deal. I'm the girl who hunts guys like you." Alee nodded. "I'll see you soon." She hung up the phone. "That was him." Her cell phone rang and she picked up. "What?!" She was shocked. "I'm sorry, JJ." She sighed. "Yeah, Morgan and I will check it out." She hung up. "We got another crime scene." Alee and I went to the scene. "A bus. He hit a bus."
We got onto the bus. Rossi showed up. "Six bodies, not including the driver," Rossi replied. "He put them down with the gun, or more likely guns, and finished them off with his knife."
"Arthur Lanessa's wedding ring," Alee sighed.
"What did he take?" Rossi asked.
"Does it matter?" Alee asked as we got off the bus.
We walked around the corner. "Alee," I grabbed her hand. "What's wrong with you?"
"For real," Rossi nodded.
"He called me tonight at my hotel and offered me the deal," Alee looked at us.
"What did you say?" Rossi asked.
"I hung up on him and then he does this," Alee gestured.
"So you think this is your fault?" Rossi asked.
"It is," Alee sighed, with tears in her eyes.
"Well, here, use mine," Rossi replied as he held his gun for Alee to take. "You convinced me." Alee nodded. "No, no, you hung up on him. You practically killed them yourself. Go ahead, get it over with. Don't worry about us. We'll get this guy without you."
"Rossi, enough," I stated. "You push her hard enough, she'll do it."
"Rossi, my dad and I had ten years to do something about it," Alee looked up at Rossi with the tears streaming down her face.
"Shaunessy made the deal," Rossi sternly stated. "The killings stopped, he closed the case, and sent the BAU away. For the past ten years, he worked on other cases. Active cases."
"But we kept coming back to this one," Alee reminded Rossi. "Well, I kept coming back to this profile."
"Hey, I was retired," Rossi looked at Alee. "Should I blame myself for every victim who got killed while it was on my book tour?" Alee wiped away her tears. "Look, if you want to end up like Shaunessy, like Gideon, blaming yourself for everything, you go ahead. Your career will end and what a short career it was. You have a whole life ahead of you and it's bright in the Bureau. But that voice in your head --- it's not your conscience, it's your ego." Alee sighed. "This isn't about us, Alee, it's about the bad guys. That's why we profile them. It's their fault." I nodded. "We're just doing our job. And when we stop doing it, someone else will. Trust me. I know."
"You can put that away," Alee nodded.
"You sure?" Rossi asked.
"It's a little dramatic, don't you think?" Alee asked.
"My wife always said I had a flair for the dramatic," Rossi smiled as he put his gun away.
"Which one?" I asked.
"All of them," Rossi nodded.
"Thanks," Alee stated.
"Anytime," Rossi smiled.
"I'll meet you back at the scene," Alee sighed. Rossi nodded and left. "Morgan?"
"Yeah, I'm here," I sighed as I hugged her. "Let it out." Alee silently sobbed. For a good two minutes, she managed to gather herself about her break down. I looked at her. "You good?"
"Yeah," Alee nodded and wiped her tears. "I think I'll be okay."
"Good," I smiled. I gave her another tight hug and then I gave her a kiss. "Now, let's get this guy behind bars so you can forget about it." Alee and I walked to the scene and saw Roy. "Alee, heads up."
"Walk with me, Roy," Alee sighed. We started walking together. "Go ahead and run your story. It won't matter after this."
"I am, but I'm gonna leave the Shaunessy deal out," Roy replied. "I don't think the families need to know, not at least until you catch him."
"I appreciate that," Alee nodded.
"Foyet called," Roy sighed. "He wants to see me."
"Is he mad that you gave him to us?" Alee asked.
"I just think he doesn't have anyone to talk to, and the reaper's killing him too, only slower," Roy stated.
"He wouldn't be the first," Alee replied. We went back to the office profile the scene. "He never used code before. Why now?"
"They're not part of a pattern or equation," Reid replied. "Mathematically, they're insignificant."
"Maybe so, but I know I've seen them before," Rossi sighed.
"Foyet said he likes to attack people in their cars," Alee nodded. "Tonight he hit a bus."
"Which is why Foyet only takes a bus," Rossi replied.
"It was the number seven and it stops right in front of Foyet's apartment," Alee looked at the map.
"He knows where Foyet lives," Rossi sighed.
"And he wants us to know it," Alee replied.
"1439. The apartment you interviewed him in today was 1439 Yarbrough," Reid stated.
Rossi took out his pad and placed it on the table. "The other addresses he gave us," Rossi stated. "201 South Brookline. 1498 Edenhurst. The numbers on the bus are Foyet's addresses."
"We'll split up and cover each address," Alee stated. "Morgan's with me along with Mike. Rossi is with Prentiss, Reid with JJ. Extras to back us up." I drove Alee and I the address Rossi gave me. "I'll take the back."
"Okay," I nodded as we put on our vest. I tried to make sure it was clear. Before I knew it, I was tackled through the front window. Everything went black. "Hm."

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