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Chapter 1; Done Waiting.
"Put me out of my misery please go talk to him."

She watched him walk by for the third time that day. She had to get him to talk to her, She had to get him to notice her somehow. It started out as Lydia just seeing him around the hallways with his friend. Only, the more she saw him the more interesting he became. She wanted to know more about him.

She needed to know his every tick, his next move, everything. Stiles Stilinski ran a hand through his tousled dark hair as he frantically rambled on to his best friend Scott about about how Adrian Harris had given him another detention but Scott was telling him it was his fault. As his arms flailed around Lydia stared at him in almost awe. Stiles' attractive features had Lydia in a bind as she bit down on her bottom lip.

Stiles continued to ramble until Scott tapped his shoulder and not so subtly pointed towards Lydia. Stiles looked over and his mouth slightly dropped open and closed. He did some kind of weird head motion and recovered, giving her a small wave. The boy couldn't believe that Lydia was giving him the look. Lydia was obviously one of the most attractive girls attending beacon hills high school. Stiles thought that girls like Lydia Martin didn't go for awkward and or nerdy boys like him. The girl chuckled slightly and nodded once with a small smirk playing on her lips.

The wide eyed boy turned around to his best friend. "Did you see that? You saw that right?"

"Yeah, I did." Scott chuckled at his friends shock. He didn't say what he really thought though. Sure he thought it was great that Stiles was getting some female attention from the strawberry blonde but he thought it was a little odd. He's heard a lot about Lydia. The most of it wasn't anything good. The McCall wasn't one to believe the rumors that circulated around the school, but he had seen it first hand. Take the double date at the bowling alley for example; Scott was terrible at bowling but he'd gotten better throughout the night. As soon as he did, Lydia attempted to make a move while her so called "friend" was sitting right there.

He saw some other things as well that he had brushed off as a coincidence or unimportant and left it at that. "We better go before Harris finds a reason to give me another detention." Stiles urged, glancing back at Lydia, who was still looking at him twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"We don't even have Harris, we just came from his class." Scott closed his locker, looking at his best friend in confusion.

"You think that's stopping him?" Stiles hissed as he grabbed Scott's shoulder and hauled him away. Lydia watched as the two boys walked past her for the fourth time today.

"Lydia!" She snapped out of her stare and turned around to meet her friend Allison's eye.

"What?" Lydia rolled her green eyes at the look Allison was giving her.

"I've called your name like thirty times," The brunette said slowly. "Are you okay?" She asked genuinely concerned. Since Allison and Lydia met, Allison had always thought Lydia was a little weird sometimes but she figured the redhead just had a lot on her mind and didn't pry.

"Never better." Lydia flipped her hair over her shoulder and began to walk.

"What were you so focused on?" Lydia heard Allison's heeled feet begin to pick up behind her.

"Don't worry about it, snow white." Lydia waved her off. Lydia wasn't planning on telling her anything because, whose business was it besides her own?

"If you like Stiles just go talk to him." The friend sighed in exasperation. She wasn't understanding why someone as confident as Lydia was just watching from the sidelines, when Stiles or any boy for that matter would be happy to talk to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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