Our love song

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  • Dedicated to Yasmine Ali


Here I hold the pen
To write something sweet for you again
As thousands of words cross my mind
Sweetest of the sweet words I attempt to find

I’ve written quite a few poems for you
Always trying to express my feelings perfectly for you
But no matter how hard I try to
It’s impossible to completely express my entire love for you

No amount of time and words are enough
To perfectly and completely express my love
You don’t know what you mean to me
I would anything at all to let you see

True love is the hardest easy
It doesn’t have place for “but”, “if” and “maybe”
I know how hard it is to make up one’s mind
In middle of all lies truth becomes hard to find

But you are my truth baby
You’ve made me someone I never I could be
You are my greatest strength
You are my hope and faith

Within you I find my heaven
Everyday you make me fall for you all over again
You are my angel so beautiful and innocent
Without you I can’t live a single moment

I’m trying to write us our love song
You are the right in the middle of all the wrong
You are so easy to love but hard to completely define
Your eyes so captivating and your touch is so divine

Sometimes I can be so lost in you
I can’t describe the feeling I get when I’m with you
Words, phrases, nothing is enough
To be able to completely describe my love

I wanna write you a song so sweet
That will play in our mind when our lips meet
A song you can call your own
A song you can sing when for a while you are alone

Sometimes it gets hard to find the words so right
I don’t how to describe the bliss I feel when you hold me tight
No matter how much time goes by
I just can’t find the best way to say I don’t know why

But all I can always say and mean it from the bottom of my heart
I will do anything at all never to let us part
But the best words I know to tell you what I feel for you
Are just simply three words … I love you

Dedicated to the love of my life, Yasmine Ali ... I'll keep writing till I find the perfect words to define Us

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