Hes so cute!

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Blaines POV

As they walk out the door I am left in the glee room alone. I walk out to go find the office when I do Kurt was in the office with the two girls that were trying to ripped each other's limbs off, I guess they were having a meeting to calm down. I ask the lady at the front desk to give me my schedule and she did as I turn to walk out my sister walks in probably doing the same thing as me. "Hey, Blaine did you get your schedule?" My sister asks as she walks up to the front desk lady. "No I'm just in here to bet coffee yes I got my schedule." I say and she rolls her eyes and asks for her schedule. "You two have the same schedule just go off of his." She says and my sister and I let out a breath we were not good with moving and it always made it better when we had each other. We go to walk out and we are met by Kurt and the two girls. "Hey, Blaine!" Kurt says happily man his smile is so cute. "Hey, are they good now?" I ask

"They are okay not trying to fist fight each other but their not good." He says and I nod. "What do you have first?" He asks and I look down at my schedule and read it off. "Chemistry." I say and his ocean blue eyes meet mine with a slight twinkle in them. "Me too." He says with a smile and I smile at how his eyes seemed to light up at that smallest thing. "Okay then lady Hummel show us the way." My sister says and I look at her to tell her too lay off because after all I'm pretty sure him,me,Britt, and her are probably the only gay people in this school. "Okay follow us, Peyton be good." He says to a really short girl as she walks off. "This is Mercedes." He says and I smile at the girl who was a taller version of the other girl though they both still scared me. "Sorry you had to see me and my sister like that." She says and offers me a smile I take it and give her one back and follow them to chemistry Kurt tells the class and the teacher who we are and we all sit together. "Britt!" Santana says with a smile on her face as she sits next to her blonde girlfriend.

Kurts POV

As we sit down I smile at Blaine god he looks so perfect I couldn't get over it I don't think any other person caught my eyes the way he does, I just met him so it's not like I'm in love so anything but he is sweet and cute I kinda wanna get to know him. As we sit down Santana leans over to talk to me. "Is this school good?" She asks

"Yes I really like glee." I say

"I'll join." She says with a smile

"Okay." I say expecting the conversation to end there but it doesn't. "So your gay right?" She asks with curiosity in her voice. "Shut up." I say through clenched the teeth which gets Blaines attention. "I'm not open." I say and Santana nods and says she won't tell I'm sure she knows how it feels as well. With that we start our assignment, I wanna have real chemistry with Blaine Anderson.

Sues POV

I sit in my office glueing together two small photos one of Kurt Elizabeth Hummel and Blaine Devin Anderson. I will have them together by the end of the week, Klaine will live, will thrive. I say over and over as I doodle the name over and over on the photos and hang it on my office wall. I sit thinking about how to get them together they probably already think the other is cute I just need to get them alone without a lot of people. Ahh Blaine will be the next male Cherrio and then I can make them sit out and talk by them selves.

Pucks POV

I sit in history day dreaming about Peyton I don't know what this girl has done to me she hasn't left my mind and that's not normal for Noah Puckerman. The kiss keeps coming back into my mind I know she was drunk and she either didn't mean it or she doesn't remember it, I hope that she remembered it and that she liked it.

Santana's POV

I sit in class in between Kurt and Britt, she is so beautiful I can't believe I even got her she has this smile that makes my heart melt and her blue eyes seem to see everything in me not just what I try to show but everything. I start to listen to the stupid lesson and I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail, it wouldn't surprise me though because I've never gotten good grades.

Kurts POV

We meet up at lunch and everyone sits together I put myself between Peyton and Mercedes and across from Blaine, while we all listen to Rachel annoyingly comparing her slew too Barbra Streisand. I talk to Blaine a little he is adorable I hope he likes me back and turns out Sue put him on the Cherrios. I hear the word party come from Rachel which I knew meant the party was gonna be wicked nobody really would think Rachel to be much of a party until you get to know her which the glee club did her party's where off the chain and had a lot of alcohol. "So your all invented." She says "whose gonna come?" She asks

"Me." I say

"Me too." Says Blaine and it turns out that everyone is coming even Mercedes new boyfriend Sam. "I don't like the idea of you going to the party where there's gonna be alcohol and Puck." Mercedes says to Peyton

"Your gonna be there too watch me." She says and Mercedes finally agrees though I have to pick them up and they have to sneak out.

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