chapter two: SHOOT!

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Bryce: Oh no. What is it this time mike
Mike: im on a quest
Bryce: im already mortified at whats going to happen this time
Mike: what do you mean?
Bryce: last time you were on a quest famous youtubers died
Mike: youre milkin my titties bot
Bryce: in order!
Mike: ok i did kill them
Bryce: now whats the quest
Mike: im gonna destroy nightbot
Bryce: and lemme guess
Same time
Bryce: you need my help
Mike: i need your help!
Not same time
Bryce: Knew it

Mike POV

Bryce says no so i say "ill make you mod" but he says "no" and i say "rock paper scissors?" and he says " fine"

Rock and rock
Rock and rock
Scissors and paper

After three tries i finally win. "Fine i'll join you" he says. " i still get to be modded after this right?" "yeah Akane, sure."


The Quest For Bot DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now