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[With You – Without You]

Byun Baekhyun. The richest person in San Antonio High School sat on his desk while reading his books and material for his exams today.

"Still looking at your exam materials, Byun?" Someone that Baekhyun thinks really annoying asked hum.

"Well, I don't need to study to get the first place this year, Byun."

"..." Baekhyun keep quiet and let her talk whatever she wants.

"I know you are afraid that you might lose from me. Keep studying, Byun Baekhyun."


"You don't want to answer me, right? So you are really afraid that your score for this Chemistry test might be lower from me like our last Math exam? Hahahaha, Byun Baekhyun, you are really something." Bomi laughed at her so-called best-friend.

Baekhyun closed his book and looked back at his best-friend.

"No, I am not afraid."

"Ah, really? I don't think so, Byun Baekhyun."

"Let's bet, Yoon Bomi. If your score is higher, I'll fulfill your wish and if my score is higher, you'll fulfill my wish. Deal?"

"Deal and each of us can say only one wish. In addition, we shall not study at all."

"Fine, Yoon."

"You will lose, Byun. You have to grant me a wish."

"In your dream, Yoon."

[With You – Without You]

2 weeks later

"I win Byun. You need to grant my wish." Bomi said after looking for her and Baekhyun score. Baekhyun only lose 2 points from her. Bomi laughed at his best-friend.

"I've told you, don't bet anything with me."

"Fine Yoon, I'll grant you a wish, just tell me what is it."

"I'm still thinking about that. I'll tell you when I make my mind. But let's hear your wish, I might grant yours as well because I won the bet. Hahahaha.."

"I'll tell you. I want you to help me to get together with your sister, Eunji. I have a feeling for her since I went to your house."


"Stop shouting! Yes, I am serious. I did ask her to be my girlfriend, once. She said no."

"Very well, I might help you for this."

[With You – Without You]

Yoon Eunji looked at her sister that comes to her class after school finished.

"Ji!! Let's go back to home together. I and Baekhyun want to go together, do you want to come?"

"I don't think so, I have some papers that due this week. I need to finish it before I can play."

Baekhyun came closer to the twins.

"Hello Baekhyun" Eunji said.

"Hi Eunji, you don't come with us?"

"No, Baek. Bbom-ah, just drop me off to our home and you can go with Baekhyun."

"Anyway, I'll go down first. I'll wait for 5 minutes, if you are late, I'll leave first." Bomi said

[With You – Without You]

Without saying goodbye to Baekhyun and Eunji, Bomi left with her car.

Eunji who looks for Bomi can't find her car.

"Jump in, Eunji. I think Bomi already left."

"Sorry, I and Bomi always trouble you. I think Bomi's a bit crazy today."

"Don't mind her, I actually like to be together with you."

Both of them keep quiet for a while.

"Eunji-ya, when you'll accept me as your boyfriend. Even Bomi already know that you rejected me."

[With You – Without You]

This is a very short chapter. I don't really know how to continue this, I'll try to write the next chapter soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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